Prepare to encounter enthralling creatures from twisted fairy tales, enchanting forests, and wicked realms with Dungeons & Dragons’ latest Magic: The Gathering crossover—Monstrous Compendium Volume Four: Eldraine Creatures. Featuring 25 creatures from Magic’s Eldraine setting, this spellbinding collection, priced at $5.99, offers everything from tricky faeries to gargantuan wurms and everything in between.
Whether you’re a Magic enthusiast or just looking to grow your bestiary, this assortment of Eldraine creatures will provide plenty of opportunities for unforgettable encounters with creatures taken straight from fairy tales.
25 New Creatures for Your Campaign

Available for $5.99, this Monstrous Compendium is the biggest yet and features 25 unique creatures, complete with stat blocks that range from Challenge Rating (CR) 1/2 to a formidable 18. Each creature’s abilities and lore have been crafted from the flavor of the Magic card they are featured in, like how the infamously hasty gingerbrute’s Can’t Catch Me feature gives it advantage on checks or saving throws to avoid or end the grappled condition.
Even if you and your players aren’t familiar with Magic’s mechanics or the Eldraine set, these creatures’ mix of enchanting allure, magical abilities, and storybook-inspired lore will surely make for memorable encounters.
What Is Eldraine?
Eldraine is a world of fairy tales where valiant knights go on quests, witches brew potions in bubbling cauldrons, and gingerbread men run as fast as they can. First introduced in Magic: The Gathering’s 2019 set, Throne of Eldraine, this setting is an enchanting mix of wild, whimsical, and wicked. However, not every story has a happy ending.
In the recent 2023 Magic: The Gathering set, Wilds of Eldraine, Eldraine is recovering from an invasion of a multiversal scourge known as the Phyrexians. This means that opulent castles now lie in ruin, and the factions that held order in Eldraine are scattered and weakened. The focus of Wilds of Eldraine turns from lords and ladies to the untamed, darker portions of the storybook setting, where humans live in small bands and have to contend with giants, ogres, trolls, and worse.
Ideal for Fairytale and Feywild Campaigns
If you’re currently running a campaign set in the Feywild or planning to explore the Wild Beyond the Witchlight adventure, this compendium is a treasure trove of fairytale creatures. Each creature is perfectly adapted to fey settings, offering intriguing hooks for quests, unexpected allies, and formidable foes that align with the untamed magical landscapes of the Plane of Faerie.
These creatures are also ideal for running in campaigns that draw from various mythologies and storytelling traditions, including those rooted in fairy tales, such as Arthurian legends or Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Whether or not you think strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is a sound basis for a system of government, it does make a great story hook!
Bring Feywild Creatures to Your Table!
Monstrous Compendium Volume Four: Eldraine Creatures offers a magical experience for Dungeon Masters and players looking to dive deeper into the wild and untamed realms of the faeries in D&D. Grab your copy today and let the enthralling encounters in the mystical lands of Eldraine begin!
Mike Bernier (@arcane_eye) is the founder of Arcane Eye, a site focused on providing useful tips and tricks to all those involved in the world of D&D. Outside of writing for Arcane Eye, Mike spends most of his time playing games, hiking with his girlfriend, and tending the veritable jungle of houseplants that have invaded his house.