A website opened on Wednesday to confirm that the sequel to the recent television anime of Hiroyuki Takei‘s Shaman King manga is titled Shaman King Flowers. The website revealed the anime’s cast, staff, teaser visual, teaser promotional video, and premiere in January 2024.
The anime’s cast members include:
Yōko Hikasa as Hana Asakura
Katsuyuki Konishi as Amidamaru
Sumire Uesaka as Alumi Niumbirch
Shun Horie as Yohane Asakura
Michiko Kaiden as Gakko Ibuki
Romi Park as Tao Men
Takeshi Furuta (Utano☆Princesama Legend Star) is returning from the last anime to direct the anime at Bridge. Shoji Yonemura is also back in charge of the series scripts, while Mayuko Yamamoto is replacing Satohiko Sano in designing the characters.
Other staff members include:
Takei launched Shaman King Flowers — the sequel manga centering around Hana — in Jump X magazine in 2012, and he ended it in the magazine’s final issue in 2014. Takei then launched the new Shaman King The Super Star spinoff in 2017, although he put it on hiatus in September 2021. Kodansha publishes both manga in English.
The new Shaman King anime premiered in April 2021. Netflix began streaming the anime worldwide in August 2022. The anime ended with 52 episodes.
The anime adapted all 35 volumes of the original manga’s new complete edition, which Kodansha started publishing in print volumes in Japan in June 2020. The first anime adaptation of the manga premiered in 2001.
Sources: Shaman King Flowers anime’s website, Mainichi Shimbun’s Mantan Web