Last week, the fantastic Boss Fight Books began revealing Season 6 of its documentary-style books along with the first book, which looks at PaRappa the Rapper. And today, the publisher has announced that the second book will be very much in our wheelhouse by focusing on Animal Crossing.
Written by Kelsey Lewin, co-director of The Video Game History Foundation and co-owner of Pink Gorilla Games in Seattle, Washington, the book promises to look at the magic of the first game in the series, which had humble origins as a Japan-only N64 release in Dо̄butsu no Mori. The game eventually came to the West thanks to a GameCube port with expanded features.
Lewin’s book will be examining those cosy days in Animal Crossing before you could connect to the internet with others, and aims to get to the bottom of why the series resonates with players so much, and just how the first game set the foundation for our desire to “make the world a better place”. The cover is rather lovely, too:
It sounds like the perfect, cosy little read — and the perfect announcement for Valentine’s Day, really. The last two books in the season will be announced on 21st and 28th February respectively, and you can track them over on Kickstarter. The season is already fully funded, but you can still back the project if you want to get your hands on one of these books a little earlier. Why wouldn’t you want to snap this one up, anyway? It’ll be on general sale after the book is released.
Kelsey is a long-time fan and expert in Animal Crossing, having previously spoken about the series in detail. She has one video in particular focusing on the original N64 release, which is well worth a watch if you haven’t seen it already.
Last summer, Boss Fight Books announced a new book about the N64 classic (now on Nintendo Switch Online) GoldenEye 007. You can pick up a copy of that over of the publisher’s website.
Have you read any of Boss Fight Books’ works? Will you be grabbing this Animal Crossing one? Make a home in the comments and let us know.