
If you thought that the marketing for The Super Mario Bros. Movie had already gone too far, then you ain’t seen nothing yet. German frozen pizza company Pizzatainment has today announced that it will be collaborating with Nintendo on a range of ‘Mario-themed’ pizzas — though the theme seems to be limited to the colour of the boxes (thanks, RTL Today).
There are two different pizzas currently announced for the collaboration: ‘Triple-Salami-Explosion’ and ‘Quattro Formaggi Deluxe’. If you’re thinking to yourself “hmm, that doesn’t sound like anything to do with Mario,” then you would be correct. It isn’t. What makes them ‘Mario-themed’ is the presence of Mario and co. on the boxes — hardly a prime advertisement for the franchise, but proof that Mario’s face exists, we suppose.
Yep, what could possibly be more Mario than *checks notes* a salami pizza? And how about Wario and Waluigi? Those guys are always eating, uh, cheese, right?
Surely there was room for some kind of Mushroom Kingdom-themed (and we’re just spitballing here) mushroom pizza? Yoshi’s Veggie Delight? Wario’s Ham and Pineapple? We can’t say that the opportunities are necessarily endless, but there’s something there.
Both pizzas will be hitting up the frozen isle in German supermarkets from February.
What Mario-themed foods can you come up with? Drop your best suggestions in the comments below!