
GoldenEye is now available to play on Nintendo Switch. Ah, how long we’ve waited to type that sentence! After 25 years as an N64 exclusive, Rare’s seminal first-person shooter has finally escaped from its 64-bit confines and is now playable via a Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack subscription, or on Microsoft’s Xbox.
However, anyone who has tried the game already on Switch may well have run into control issues. Frankly, the way the N64 pad inputs map to a modern dual stick controller is a bit messy to say the least, and the default layout is almost guaranteed to have you pressing the wrong buttons and pulling the wrong trigger — at least to begin with. On Xbox, it seems, the controls have been tweaked for dual-analogue control by default, but not on Switch.
However, we’ve discovered a little trick that any Switch owner can use to transform the controls into something a little closer to the dual-analogue setup that’s become the standard for the genre over the past two decades. Granted, it’s not the most comfortable control scheme, but it’s a decent workaround for anyone who is struggling: Split your Joy-Con and swap the hands you’re holding them in.

There’s a little more to it. You’ll also need to go into the in-game settings via the pause screen and switch the control type from the default ‘1.1 Honey’ to ‘1.2 Solitare’, but by switching your left Joy-Con to your right hand and vice versa, the ‘left’ trigger pulls up your sights and the ‘right’ one becomes the trigger — just as you’d find in any standard FPS these days. It also puts WASD movement on the ‘left’ analogue stick while you look with the ‘right’, just as normal.
For reference, here are the instructions in bullet points, ’cause we’re nice like that:
- Start the game as per normal, using two Joy-Con as a single controller (hold ‘L’ on the left and ‘R’ on the right)
- Start the game and once you’re in the level, pause immediately, go to the controls screen on your watch and switch the style from ‘1.1 Honey’ to ‘1.2 Solitare’
- Also, change the ‘Look Up/Down’ setting to ‘Upright’ if you want to invert the default Look controls
- Unpause the game and put the left Joy-Con in your right hand and vice versa
- Play GoldenEye on Switch with controls that feel more natural in 2023
Is it perfect? Obviously not. Switching weapons or opening doors isn’t so easy anymore. However, it’s a decent workaround if you’re just not clicking with the unwieldy default NSO layout.
Of course, we would definitely recommend playing this one with the official Nintendo Switch Online N64 pad if you’ve got it, but those have been in very short supply ever since they debuted, with stock disappearing the moment it pops up on Nintendo’s online stores. If you’re not lucky enough to have one of those, give this unconventional setup a go and let us know if it helped! (Also, don’t forget to switch the ratio to 16:9 in the settings for a full widescreen experience — a first for any game on Switch Online, we think. It looks sharp!)
How does that work for you? Have you found a better workaround, using two controllers perhaps? Let us know in the polls and the comments below.