It’s a new era for Blizzard’s Overwatch series – with the company rolling out Overwatch 2 across multiple platforms including the Nintendo Switch today. It’s free-to-play, features cross-platform play and progression and can be downloaded now from the Switch eShop.
Unfortunately, the launch hasn’t gone entirely to plan. In a post on social media, company president Mike Ybarra revealed the game’s servers were on the receiving end of a “mass DDoS attack”, which has been creating a lot of drop and connection issues.
Blizzard’s customer support page has shared a list of known issues and bugs, and what problems have been resolved so far. When these issues are sorted – Overwatch 2 will offer players new heroes (Junker Queen, Sojourn and Kiriko), six new maps, a new 5v5 versus format, new modes (including Push and a redesigned comp mode), cosmetics, and a new ping system. A PvE mode will be released next year.
Loot Box have also been replaced by an all-new item shop, and there’s now also a free and premium battle pass (1000 Overwatch coins – $10 USD) – giving players immediate access to new heroes when they’re added, and other unlockables such as skins. Season One is now live and Season 2 will add a new tank hero and map. New seasons will follow every nine weeks.
How’s your own experience been with Overwatch 2 so far? Tell us below.