The Flash actor Ezra Miller is now being accused of harboring three young children and their mother at his farm in Stamford, Vermont which is reportedly littered with drugs, firearms, and ammunition. Miller had already been accused of grooming a teenager when she was 12 years old and acting improperly with a different youngster.
According to a Rolling Stone investigative report, Miller has been hosting a 25-year-old woman and her three small children at his Vermont property, which has the father of the children concerned as well as two other people with knowledge of the situation.
According to the two other people with intimate knowledge of the situation, the actor’s home is scattered with unattended firearms, making it a dangerous place for kids to be. The one-year-old girl allegedly picked up a loose bullet and put it in her mouth in an event, according to one of the anonymous sources. Both individuals asserted that marijuana has been consumed frequently and heavily in front of the kids.
Meanwhile the mother claims Miller “helped me finally — have a safe environment for my three very young children,” the actor is credited for assisting her in leaving a “violent and abusive ex,” and the mother called Miller’s farm “a healing haven for us,” telling Rolling Stone, the actor “may have firearms for self-defense purposes and they are stored in a part of the house that the children never go in.”
The parents of a different child also recently sought a protective order against Miller, alleging that the actor has been grooming their teenager since she was 12 years old and has “physically and emotionally abused” her. Miller has been detained twice in Hawaii this year, once in March after police responded to a report of a rowdy bar patron, and once in April for an alleged assault, in addition to the most recent grooming charges.
Warner Bros / Discovery have a very bad situation on their hands. The Flash film marks the return of Michael Keaton as Batman, leads into the new Batgirl movie, introduces Supergirl, and is so heavily featured in the film, in multiple iterations, that it will be nearly impossible to replace him with another actor.