A special exhibition of the Zombie Land Saga Revenge anime titled “TV Anime Zombie Land Saga Revenge: The Great Zombie Exhibition” is currently being held at the CULTURE area on the first floor of the baseyard tokyo shopping complex in Harajuku, Tokyo until September 13.
“The Great Zombie Exhibition” features original drawings and production materials from the anime, as well as a photo space. Another highlight is a new illustration based on Franchouchou’s costume from the anime’s second episode. Merchandise such as badges, clear files, and acrylic stands carrying the illustration are currently available for purchase at the venue.
There will also be novelty items for those who purchase these merchandise. A randomly selected sticker (out of a collection of seven) will be given for every purchase of 2.200 yen or more (including tax).
Zombie Land Saga Revenge premiered in Japan on April 8. It is a sequel to the Zombie Land Saga anime, which premiered in October 2018. Crunchyroll streamed both series as they aired in Japan.
Source: Comic Natalie