We had the pleasure of chatting with Vtuber @VtuberFreedom all about their journey!
1. What inspired you to become a Vtuber?
For many years I never thought streaming or vtubing would be something I would be good at so I didn’t try until last year thanks to some encouragement from a friend, I had known about Vtubers since Kizuna AI but had no idea of all the different ways you could go about like png, 3d or 2d so originally I started off as just a streamer until a few others I knew became vtubers

2. Tell us about your model!
figuring out who I wanted to be there were quite a few versions I went through, at first I was going to be a wrestler themed after WWE’s sergeant slaughter, but I also wanted to come up with a way to tie my character into the games I would play, time traveling and going to other dimensions have always been a favorite ability of mine in superheroes so with a combination of my favorite movies like running man and time cop mixed with the personality of Jesse Ventura and a tiny hint of GI Joe we now have MAJOR FREEDOM

3. What is the best part about being a Vtuber?
Well no pun intended but the pure freedom, there is no right or wrong way to go about it, you can be figuratively be anything you want.
4. What would you tell someone who wants to become a Vtuber? Any advice?
If you want to get into it go for it! Vtubing/streaming can be expensive but as long as you figure out what you need by doing some research you can save some money, I started out on my laptop and ps4 but upgraded some of my stuff like my headset for example, I used that as a microphone for a while, the brand I use now is called fifine which are pretty affordable mics that sound amazing for the price.
5. Goals for this year?
I have ongoing series of lore events I’ve been doing, unfortunately, most have had to be put on hiatus due to my work schedule but they are all still happening, The first batch was transmission feeds from my future self warning about an incoming danger followed up by an 11-page comic you can read on my Twitter and Deviantart! the next planned event is an origin story for the main badguy, look forward to some more surprises this year!
6. Where can people support you?
Twitter, twitch, and DeviantArt are the main places I upload to the most, I have a YouTube I upload the best of clips on, all of my link can be found on Twitter or twitch!