Fortnite season 7 week 6 is here, and this week, Epic wants you to place decoy cows to help ward off the alien invasion that’s been plaguing the battle royale island. Yep, fake cows. Aliens love them some cows.
Thankfully, you only have to place three decoy cows to finish this challenge, and Corny Complex has numerous spots where you can place one. All you have to spot is the faint blue outline that looks like, you guessed it, a little cow.
Still, there’s no need to waste your time running around, especially if other players are looking to eliminate you. So we’ve got your guide on how to finish this challenge as quickly and easily as possible. Keep in mind you’ll need to finish the “place prepper supplies” challenge before this becomes available.
Decoy cow locations
Head to Corny Complex, where you’ll find about 10 possible decoy cow locations. If you want to knock out this challenge as fast as possible, head to the farmhouse on the northeast side of the area. You’ll find three decoy cows located within a fairly short distance from each other on the hill/grass on the easternmost side before the river.
Otherwise, you’re best bet is probably to stick to the northern half of Corny Complex and work your way from one side to the other. Thankfully, the decoy cows are pretty easy to spot from a distance. Just look for the translucent blue shapes.
All you need to do to place a decoy cow is use the interact prompt.
Once you’re done, you’ve got 30,000 XP added to your battle pass, which should help you gather those battle stars much faster.
Check out our Fortnite guides page for more walkthroughs of the latest challenges. We show you how to get an Inflate-a-Bull, and everything you need to know about the Lebron Fortnite skin.