It’s still a while away, but a few of us in Nintendo Life Towers™ are counting the days until Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, the ‘massive expansion’ to a game that’s already a stand-out on Switch. The Monster Hunter marketing campaign is in full swing, too, regularly revealing snippets of information to keep us intrigued ahead of its release on 30th June.
Just recently it shared a tweet showcasing two creatures you’ll find in the expansion’s new areas – Gowngoat and Boggi.
The Boggi is another evolution of the Jaggi / Baggi etc of course, with some fun animations to emphasize its playful side.
It’s the Gowngoat that catches the eye though, simple because they’re so darn charming and cuddly. As any Monster Hunter veterans will know this is a problem, as you’ll probably have to hunt them for resources or, if the developers are particularly mischievous, a particularly cosy armour set.
Or maybe we’ll just leave them be. If you can kill one of these after looking into their beautifully rendered eyes, you’re a more efficient hunter than this scribe.