The Laid-Back Camp anime collaborated with Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare to raise awareness against mosquito and tick-borne diseases. Staff created two posters aimed at educating the public about prevention and control.
The posters come with short, simple guidelines for preventing mosquito and tick bites, such as limiting skin exposure, using insect repellents, and wearing bright clothes. The posters can be downloaded for free in A2 and A4 sizes at the Ministry’s official website.
The first anime based on Afro‘s Laid-Back Camp manga premiered in January 2018. The ROOM CAMP (Heya Camp) short anime spinoff premiered in January 2020 followed by the second season of the anime this year. Crunchyroll streamed both anime seasons and the ROOM CAMP spinoff as they aired. A movie titled Eiga Yurukyan△ was also announced and is slated to open next year.
Source: MoCa News