Did you get a chance to tune in to the Mad Cave Showcase 3.0 over the weekend? Hosted by streaming extraordinaire Jazzlyn Stone, the Showcase featured many exciting announcements, including the details on the 2021 Mad Cave Studios Talent Search!
2021 Mad Cave Studios Talent Search
The 2021 Mad Cave Studios Talent Search will be centered on Mad Cave’s Wolvenheart world, with all entries to be set in that universe.

The contest entry period opened on the day of the third Mad Cave Showcase, July 10th, 2021, and will run until September 1st, 2021. Eight winners (four artists and four writers) will be announced during Mad Cave Showcase 4.0, which will take place in October 2021.
If you’re going to enter, you can get all of the details on the official Mad Cave website.
Previous Winners

This is the fourth time Mad Cave Studios has held a talent search.
The Mad Cave Showcase 3.0 stream featured appearances by Shane Connery Volk and David Hazan, who were winners of the 2019 Mad Cave Studios Talent Search and have since created the hit series Nottingham, which is currently on its fifth printing with a second story arc forthcoming.
Meanwhile, the 2020 Mad Cave Studios Talent Search winners are working on the upcoming horror anthology from the publisher, Grimm Tales from the Cave (stay tuned to The Beat for more on this exciting book), which also features the talent of established creators like Cullen Bunn and Andrea Mutti.
Enter Now Through September

If you want to enter, you’ll want to prepare by honing your creativity now! During Showcase 3.0, Mad Cave Studios CEO (and writer of the Wolvenheart series) Mark London said that the best candidates will use their entries to emphasize what their unique creative perspective can bring to comics.
You can still watch the Mad Cave Showcase 3.0 broadcast through the Mad Cave Studios Twitch channel, and if you’re interested in reading the full press release from the publisher concerning the contest, you can do so below this article.
Will you be entering the 2021 Mad Cave Studios Talent Search? We’re waiting to hear from you! Give us a shout-out in the comment section, or over on social media @comicsbeat!
2021 Mad Cave Studios Talent Search Is Back!
Miami, FL – Having trouble breaking into the comic book industry? Well you’re in luck! Mad Cave Studios is thrilled to announce for the fourth year in a row, they will be hosting another Talent Search; Participants can enter starting July 10th, 2021!
To recap, in 2019 Shane Connery Volk and David Hazan, both Talents Search winners, created Nottingham, currently on it’s 5th Printing. Along with last year’s Talent search winners who have been working closely with Cullen Bunn to create upcoming Horror Anthology, The Grimm Tales.
This year four artists and four writers will be chosen from the MCS Talent Search; tune in to our Mad Cave Studios Showcase 3.0, on Twitch, to see which upcoming Mad Cave project the chosen 2021 winners will be collaborating on. See below on how you can be a part of the 2021 MCS Talent Search!
Where Do I Sign Up?
The Mad Cave Studios 2021 talent search has guidelines you’ll need to follow in order for their editorial team to review your submission. Below is a brief overview of the contest details. To find all of the submission details for Mad Cave’s 2021 Talent Search visit madcavestudios.com/talent-search
Mad Cave Comics Talent Search 2021 Overview
Contest runs from July 10, 2021 through September 01, 2021
Each submission entered must be set in the Wolvenheart universe from Mad Cave Studios.
Eight Winners (Four writers and four artists) will be announced at the Mad Cave Showcase 4.0 October 2021.
Visit the Mad Cave Talent Search Page for complete submission guidelines Mad Cave Studios, and its imprint, Maverick, is a comic book and graphic novel publisher founded by Mark London in 2014 driven by madness and committed to quality. For additional information, visit madcavestudios.com or madcavestudios.com/maverick/