Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep pits players against the warring factions of Exandria while they attempt to uncover the mysteries of the Netherdeep. A new faction introduced in this book, the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream, is particularly concerned with the alien mineral called ruidium and is looking for adventurers that can supply information and services to procure it. Players beware, spoilers for Call of the Netherdeep lie ahead!
What is the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream?
The Consortium of the Vermilion Dream is a secret occult society obsessed with the magic of the Moon of Ill Omen, Ruidus. Their motto, “Seek the stories others fear to know,” summarizes their motivations: no power is too dark or too eldritch for the Consortium.
Other academic institutions, like the Library of the Cobalt Soul, express their concern at the Consortium’s aggressive and sometimes illegal practices. To fund their research, the Consortium frequently sells the skills of their magically gifted members. Typical purchasers of such services vary from government officials to wealthy diplomats.
Due to its aggressive expansion strategy, the Consortium is always looking to bolster its ranks. Therefore, it welcomes all magically gifted individuals and devotees to the occult. However, infiltrating the Consortium for personal gain is no easy task as they are known for their cunning and suspicious nature.
Ruidus, the Moon of Ill Omen
Two moons grace the night sky of Exandria. Catha is a pale white orb that transitions through its phases on a consistent, 30-day schedule. The other moon, Ruidus, is blood-red and exhibits strange instances of disappearing entirely, only to flare back up with a bright red light unexpectedly. Ruidus is seen as a symbol of ill omens to most of the citizens of Exandria. It is said to be a harbinger of tragedy, a corrupting source of magic, and a symbol of doom.
Monster preview: Occult silvertongue
Occult silvertongues are the highest-ranking members of the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream. They have proven their devotion to the cause by exposing themselves to ruidium-tainted items and other mysterious powers to learn about Ruidus. These alien forces have twisted the minds of the silvertongues, leaving them restless, paranoid, and suspicious.
Occult silvertongues are dangerous magic-users that make for formidable foes. Not only do they get advantage on saving throws against magical effects, but they can also stun creatures that try to read their minds or use psychic damage against them. Even if you manage to lock the silvertongue down, they can cast dimension door to escape nearly any situation. If you’re going after an occult silvertongue, make sure to have counterspell handy.
Other than dimension door, the spells known by an occult silvertongue make them masters of manipulation. Charm person can be a useful spell both in combat and social situations, and sending allows them to remain in touch with other members of the Consortium. Their Crimson Bolt attack, effective at both melee distance and range, deals a solidly 27 (4d10 + 5) psychic damage with each hit.
Unlike some magic users, occult silvertongues are relatively sturdy. Their lackluster Armor Class can be mitigated by mage armor, and they have a decent amount of hit points. That said, they won’t last long against a fighter or barbarian who manages to close the distance. Luckily for the silvertongue, they can summon an earth elemental, which will tank hits in their stead.
Occult silvertongue statistics
Playing with occult silvertongues at your table
The Consortium of the Vermilion Dream is led by a council of five masters, each using the occult silvertongue stat block. This implies that on top of having a host of tricky abilities and spells available to them, occult silvertongues are scheming, manipulative, and have an extensive information network.
It would be rare for a party of adventurers to stumble across one of these mysterious leaders without the Consortium arranging the “chance” meeting. The following is an adventure hook if you would like to introduce an occult silvertongue and establish them as conniving and mysterious.
Interested parties
This adventure hook is meant to occur when the party arrives at a city or suddenly gains significant renown within one. Adjust the text below to match your situation.
You notice a blood-red envelope sitting on your desk that wasn’t there when you left. The envelope has no distinguishing markings, but given its weight and feel it contains fine parchment.
Opening the envelope reveals a note written in a sprawling hand and red ink. It reads: “You’ve made quite the name for yourself. I work for an organization that could make good use of your talents. I believe we could enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement. Would you meet me for a drink at the Ivory Tusk Inn? Tonight, at midnight.”
The letter is from Aldwin Emmett, a lawful evil human occult silvertongue. He is a tall, handsome man with dark hair and chiseled features. Aldwin is known throughout circles of government officials and to wealthy diplomats as a well-natured scholar looking to fund his research. However, underneath this guise, Aldwin’s mind has become twisted by the alien powers he studies to become suspicious and greedy. When talking to Aldwin, if a character says something that would displease him or is examining his face closely while talking, they can make a Wisdom (Insight) check against Aldwin’s Charisma (Deception) to attempt to see beneath the charismatic mask he wears.
If the characters meet Aldwin at the Ivory Tusk Inn, he will offer them a drink and casually chat about whatever events have given the party renown. Once the conversation lulls, Aldwin will proposition the party:
“Have you ever had something happen to you that you couldn’t explain? And when you told someone, they didn’t believe you? I work for an organization that is attempting to put an end to disbelief and judgement. We want to help people better understand the powers that are at work in this world. The only thing is, such work is expensive and we have limited means. That’s where you come in. In exchange for taking on tasks for our organization, we can introduce you to the influential figures that run this city. And, you can keep a percentage of whatever treasure you come across. What do you say?”
If the party accepts his invitation, they are provided tasks reminiscent of any group of adventurers working for an educational institution. If you are playing in Exandria, these tasks could relate to Ruidus. For example:
- Unearthing relics from a tomb
- Transporting valuable cargo through dangerous regions
- Investigating claims of supernatural activity
As long as the party follows the terms of the agreement, Aldwin remains jovial and friendly. However, if the party makes a mistake by damaging the cargo or failing to acquire an item of interest, Aldwin’s unstable mental state threatens to expose itself.
If the party turns down Aldwin’s offer, he will sneer at the party and leave. If they are hostile to Aldwin at the Ivory Tusk Inn, eight Consortium of the Vermilion Dream cultists will reveal themselves and attack. Aldwin will use whatever avenues of escape are possible, starting with dimension door.
What mysteries will you uncover with the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream?
The occult silvertongue is just one of the new monsters and NPCs you’ll discover in Call of the Netherdeep. Will you side with the Consortium to uncover the deep mysteries of the world or fight against them to promote safe and ethical academic practices?
Mike Bernier (@arcane_eye) is the founder of Arcane Eye, a site focused on providing useful tips and tricks to all those involved in the world of D&D. Outside of writing for Arcane Eye, Mike spends most of his time playing games, hiking with his girlfriend, and tending the veritable jungle of houseplants that have invaded his house.