In a recent interview, critically acclaimed film director Quentin Tarantino stated that he would rather people watch movies on YouTube rather than pay for streaming services like Amazon or Apple.
“As far as I’m concerned, YouTube is one of the best training platforms out there for watching movies, and I would far rather people watch movies for free on YouTube than give another dollar to either Amazon or Apple,” Quentin Tarantino remarked on the latest Pure Cinema Podcast, in an episode called ‘Public Domain Movies (with Quentin Tarantino)’.
The director of Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood went on to say, “They do not need your dimes. So I would rather you support these really — especially — the committed movie channels that are on YouTube who are offering their shit up for free just out of love.” During the podcast, the director discusses several movies that can be found on YouTube that are all ostensibly in the public domain and can be viewed for free or happen to be earlier films that were in the public domain because their copyrights had expired.
Tarantino agreed with one of the podcast’s hosts who described older film consumption and affection as keeping them alive. “Now, in the case of YouTube, there are entire channels that are set up to films that are public domain,” Tarantino said. “Even if they’re not public domain, the people and the studios apparently that own them kind of don’t give a shit about them, and so they’re allowed to get them out there.”
Tarantino cited PizzaFlix on YouTube as an example of a cinephile effort he admires, which is described by the channel owners as “a passion project created by two film industry professionals with 50 years combined experience. We control one of the largest, privately-held broadcast-quality film & TV libraries of its kind.”
Amazon and Apple are two of the world’s most valuable streaming platforms, with market capitalizations of $1.86 trillion and $2.41 trillion, respectively.