Comics Reviews

Is Thor’s Secret Baby Sister Too Powerful for the MCU?


Thor’s family tree is full of winding branches, but the most important of them all belongs to his baby sister who is far too powerful to ever make her way into the MCU.

The Marvel Universe is home to some of the most remarkable figures in all of pop culture, not the least of which is the God of Thunder himself. While Thor has always been a fan-favorite from the comics, his place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has helped to introduce a myriad of other stunning characters. Despite counting herself among Asgard’s mightiest, it doesn’t look like Thor’s baby sister Laussa is poised to follow suit with her own MCU debut. Then again, as one of the most complicated Asgardians of all time, that might not be a bad thing.

First introduced in the pages of 2014’s Angela: Asgard’s Assassin #1 by Kieron Gillen, Marguerite Bennett, Phil Jimenez, and Stephanie Hans, the infant Laussa Odinsdottir was born the second daughter of the All-Father Odin and All-Mother Freyja. As the heir to Asgard’s throne, few if any Asgardians were more important than Laussa, which made her disappearance all the more disturbing. No sooner had baby Laussa been born than her sister Angela stole her away, leading to a race between the forces of Asgard and Guardians of the Galaxy to save her from whatever Angela had planned. As it turned out, the elder Asgardian was in fact only trying to save Laussa from her own dark beginnings. Due to residing in the space between realms to which Surtur’s essence had been banished, Odin and Freyja had inadvertently opened the door for Surtur to effectively become Laussa’s third parent. Thankfully, Angela was able to bring her sister to Heven and drain much of that dark influence from her, though Surtur’s power would ultimately remain an indelible part of the child’s being.

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It was this same demonic power that would later see Laussa again targeted by one of her sisters in 2019’s The War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery #1 by Clint McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, Travis McElroy, and Andre Lima Araujo. This time around it was the Fire Demon Sindr, daughter of Surtur and Queen of Cinders, who came for the heir to Asgard. Luckily, even as an infant, Laussa’s command over her divine powers allowed her to subconsciously call forth the likes of Balder, Kate Bishop, Miles Morales, Wonder Man, Druid, Thor, and Death Locket to act as her very own superpowered Babysitters Club. With them fighting on her behalf, Laussa wasn’t only able to save herself. She created one of the most incredible teams of all time to help drive back the dark forces which had caused the war to engulf all the realms.

There is no doubt that Laussa is just as intriguing of a character as she is impossibly powerful, yet that is far from enough to ensure her a place next to her brother in the MCU. In fact, it is more likely that her convoluted origins are precisely what will keep her from ever showing up on the big or small screens. Surtur is no stranger to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, nor are Laussa’s other immortal parents, yet the preternatural means behind how she came to have three parents in the first place on their own are enough to make her a risk that the MCU may not be willing to take. There is also the matter of how so much of Laussa’s life in the comics has been centered around characters and events that haven’t broken through to the MCU, either. Without those, the indomitable infant’s story would have to be rewritten as something completely different from what she has experienced in the primary Marvel Universe, which may not be worth it whatsoever.

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This isn’t to say that Laussa Odinsdottir couldn’t find a home for herself in the MCU, but rather that it is almost impossible to imagine how that happening could ever do her character justice. Sure, she is just a baby, though that hasn’t stopped her from stepping up as both an unstoppable hero and a horrifying threat so far. If nothing else, Laussa’s infantile status only makes her an even more remarkable figure in the Marvel Universe, one with unlimited potential stemming from multiple sources of unthinkable power. With any luck, she will make another appearance before long to remind everyone just how important she really is, assuming she can do so without putting the entire universe in harm’s way yet again.

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