Comics Reviews

Justice League Proved Why DC’s Most Powerful Dark God Is Secretly Gross


As the war between Darkseid and the Great Darkness heats up, Doctor Multiverse unveiled the true origins of the mysterious Gentry.

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers from Justice League Incarnate #4 by Joshua Williamson, Dennis Culver, Chris Burnham, Mike Norton, Andrei Bressan, Hi-Fi, and Tom Napolitano, on sale now.

The Gentry and their mysterious master, the Empty Hand, have always been something of an enigma within the DC Universe. What little was known about them painted them as an army of eldritch horrors hellbent on twisting the multiverse into their own perverse image.

In Justice League Incarnate #4 however, Doctor Multiverse unveiled the true origins of the Empty Hand and his followers. Rather than being agents of their own will seeking to conquer the multiverse, the Empty Hand is a servant of the Great Darkness, the multiverse’s polar opposite. Disturbingly, the Gentry are nothing more than the carcass of the old multiverse twisted in the image of the Great Darkness with their true purpose being not conquest, but utter destruction.

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When they first debuted in Multiversity #1 (by Grant Morrison, Ivan Reis), the Gentry and the Empty Hand were horrors from someplace “outside the multiverse”. This was the first hint of their true origins. They used the anti-death equation, a power that allowed them to disfigure reality, revive the deceased as their servants, or twist the living into monsters. Here, it is revealed how they managed to twist the remains of the old DC multiverse into the abominations that now threaten the rest of existence.

However, Doctor Multiverse’s recap of their origins also presented an altogether different level of danger. Whereas they were previously thought of as conquerors, this was viewed as something that could be resisted, something that might even be survivable if it came down to that. Their service to the Great Darkness revealed that this was merely a delusion, a misinterpretation of their true nature. The Empty Hand and the Gentry are not evil, they are simply agents of oblivion. They want the destruction of the multiverse in its entirety and as such are the enemies of all who call it home.

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Now the Justice League Incarnate knows the truth. How do they respond to that though? The knowledge that they aren’t just fighting monsters, but their predecessors in the cosmic order resurrected and disfigured beyond all recognition, would be enough to give anyone pause. They have no choice though. For as horrifying as the Gentry are now that the truth has been revealed, the same understanding applies: This was only the beginning. If the Gentry are not stopped now, there is a good chance the Great Darkness will find something even worse to throw at them.

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