The official website for the television anime adaptation of Miku and U35‘s Shinka no Mi ~Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei~ (The Fruit of Evolution ~Before I Knew It, My Life Had It Made~) light novel series revealed the show’s main cast, staff, visual, teaser video, and October premiere on Sunday. The teaser video is only available to view on the anime’s website.
The anime stars Hiro Shimono as Seiichi Hiiragi and Kana Hanazawa as Saria.
Yoshiaki Okumura (Antique Bakery, Monsuno) is directing the anime at studios feel. and Children’s Playground Entertainment. Hotline is in charge of production. Minami Eda is adapting U35‘s character designs for animation. Gigaemon Ichikawa (Duel Masters 2017-2019, GeGeGe no Kitarō 2018) is both writing and overseeing the series scripts. Hifumi, Inc. is composing the music.
Other staff members include:
The “animal fantasy” story centers on Seiichi Hiiragi. Though at the bottom of his school’s social pecking order, he and his entire school are upended when everyone in the school is transported into another world. Seiichi finds himself alone and approached by a gorilla, who instead of attacking him, instead proposes to him. At the moment that Seiichi thinks that “I guess a gorilla is fine too,” they find the Fruit of Evolution, and when they eat it, their lives are suddenly changed once again.
Miku began serializing the story on the “Shōsetsuka ni Narō” (Let’s Become Novelists) website in January 2014, where it is still ongoing. Futabasha‘s Monster Bunko light novel label began publishing the novel in print in September 2014, with illustrations by U35 (Lapis Re:LiGHTs, Aquatrope of White Sand character designs).
Sorano launched a manga adaptation of the novels in Futabasha‘s Web Comic Action manga website in September 2017.
Sources: Shinka no Mi anime’s website, Comic Natalie