Hela is the Norse Goddess of Death and rules from her realm of Hel (or Helheim). She is the daughter of Loki and made her Marvel Comics debut in Journey Into Mystery #102 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1964. Needless to say, she has caused problems for Thor many times since her introduction.
As the Goddess of Death, Hela has quite a dominion over the Ten Realms (there are Ten Realms in Marvel Comics) and beyond. She is incredibly powerful and not to be taken lightly. Despite that, there are fights she has not won, and there are enemies that she has surprisingly not faced yet.
8 Angela Beat Hela And Dethroned Her As Queen Of Hel
One of Hela’s greatest humiliations came at the hands of Odin’s forgotten daughter, Angela (originally a Spawn and Image Comics character). Angela passed a trio of trials to acquire the power to overthrow Hela and claim the throne of Hel for herself. All this was done so that Angela could resurrect her lost lover, Sera. Unfortunately for Angela, things between her and Sera were complicated after this event.
As for the throne of Hel, Angela stepped down immediately and gave it to the deceased Aesir hero, Baldur the Brave.
7 Thanos And Hela Have Had A Complex Relationship
After this, Hela was desperate to regain the power she had lost. This led her to the arms of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Hela tried to woo Thanos, and the two seemed to start a brief romantic relationship. However, Thanos soon cast Hela aside on the eve of her wedding to Baldur. This wedding was intended to give Hela some control over the dead in the Ten Realms again. Thanos interrupted this ceremony to spurn Hela, and the wedding played no part in his doing so.
Hela was enraged, but she did not attack Thanos. The two have yet to come to blows over their forsaken alliance, but it doesn’t seem to be outside the realm of possibility.
6 The Guardians Of The Galaxy Stopped Hela From Resurrecting Thanos
Thanos would soon be assassinated by Gamora, and this initiated the Final Gauntlet. Thanos was destined to be resurrected, as his mind was downloaded into the body of an unknown living being. Most of the powers in the universe thought it to be in the body of Gamora. However, Hela had been working behind the scenes to repair Thanos’ body so that he could return to his true form.
In the end, it was revealed that Thanos’ brother Eros, aka Starfox, was the true holder of Thanos’ preserved mind. The Guardians of the Galaxy, who had been working to stop Thanos’ resurrection, rallied to stop Eros and Hela from bringing back Thanos, and the team succeeded in taking Hela out of the fight.
5 Hela And Death Have Not Seemed To Cross Paths Yet
Speaking of Thanos, his true love, Lady Death, has yet to confront Hela. This seems odd, as Hela is the Goddess of Death, and Lady Death is the embodiment of death itself. The two seem to share a similar purpose, and both have spent some time entangled with Thanos.
In reality, Hela may just be beneath Death’s notice. Death is akin to an abstract entity on par with Eternity and the Living Tribunal. Her power is infinite, and her intentions are so vast that Hela couldn’t interfere with them if she tried.
4 Hela Has Had Her Machinations Foiled By Skurge The Executioner Before
Despite slaying Skurge in Thor: Ragnarok, Hela has actually had one of her schemes unraveled by Skurge the Executioner before. Hela attempted to use the fabled Naglfar, a vast ship made out of the toenails of the dead, to deliver an army of undead Draugr to destroy Asgard.
However, Skurge destroyed the Naglfar before it was even finished. Hela has yet to retaliate for this. However, Nebula would later control a Naglfar fleet and attempt to use it to sew chaos across the universe. Skurge, Angela, and a team dubbed “the Asgardians of the Galaxy” put a stop to this.
3 Hela Has Repeatedly Been Stopped By Dani Moonstar And The New Mutants
The X-Men and New Mutants have had a surprising amount of encounters with both Hela and Asgard. The first encounter found Hela almost stealing the soul of Wolverine only to be stopped by Dani Moonstar of the New Mutants.
Later, Hela would seize control of the Valkyries, including Dani Moonstar (who had become a Valkyrie), and sent them to kill Odin while he rested in the Odinsleep. Thankfully, the New Mutants arrived to stop Hela, who was wielding a sword made of Uru. The New Mutants managed to destroy the sword and banish Hela out of Asgard. This also freed the Valkyries and Dani Moonstar from Hela’s control.
2 Surprisingly, Hela And Loki Have Yet To War With One Another
Loki and Hela have cooperated on many plans over the years. Despite Loki’s duplicitousness and Hela’s bloodthirst, the two haven’t been at odds yet. Perhaps this is a familial bond, or maybe they just haven’t found reason to fight yet given that they work together so well.
Given the depths of Hela’s power, it’s hard to imagine that she would lose to her alleged father. Loki is a troublemaker first and foremost, and Hela is the overseer of death for the Ten Realms. One of those is a lot more impressive than the other.
1 Hela Has Yet To Best Her Grandfather, The Almighty Odin
Thor himself has actually been beaten and even killed many times by Hela during his adventures. Hela, while she has the power of Hel behind her, seems to have power too great even for the mighty God of Thunder.
When Thor needs to be bailed out from the machinations of Hela, it seems that Odin is the one he turns toward. Odin has beaten Hela and had his son resurrected many times, and she has yet to succeed in taking retribution. These days, Odin is no longer the King of Asgard and no longer has the Odinforce, so, if Hela wanted revenge on the old man, now would be the time.
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