Spanning fourteen years, 27 movies, and five Disney+ shows, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has introduced countless characters and story arcs since its debut. This coming year, it will add even more films like Doctor Strange in The Madness of the Multiverse and series like Ms. Marvel. The Cinematic Universe’s mix of classic characters and overlooked cult favorites has served viewers well by balancing the interest of lifelong fans and purely here for the screen experiences new arrivals.
With Phase Four of the MCU kicking off in 2021 with the release of Black Widow, the time feels right to start speculating about the future. Further, a list of content released to the public, laying out a multi-year release plan helps make predictions that are much more likely to be accurate. Films like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 — coming in 2023 — and the announced, highly anticipated, but still unscheduled Fantastic Four, speculating what cosmic characters could show up feels particularly relevant.
The MCU has already introduced several high-powered cosmic heroes such as Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, and the confirmed but not yet met Adam Warlock. But what other space-faring heroes could make their debut in Phase Four? Let’s look at some of Marvel’s other cosmic-tier heroes that would make excellent additions to the MCU.
Richard Rider was a regular teenage boy until dying Nova Corps Centurion Rhomann Dey tapped the teen to inherit his powers and join the Corps. Given that team and their home planet of Xandar’s appearance in the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, the MCU has already done much of the work needed to introduce Rider. All that remains is actually doing it and delighting fans of Richard Rider Nova, who have been waiting with anticipation for years.
Phyla-Vell, the Daughter of Captain Marvel
The Kree warrior-turned-hero Mar-Vell was radically different in the MCU than his original comics iteration: played by actress Annette Bening, Mar-Vell was a Kree scientist who worked alongside humanity to try and end the Kree-Skrull war. Still, Mar-Vell’s altered existence in the films doesn’t preclude a path for Phylla-Vell, Mar-Vell’s daughter, to make her own appearance within the MCU. Having borne the title of both Captain Marvel and Quasar, Phyla-Vell is a formidable hero. It also gives the MCU yet another opportunity to incorporate a canonically queer hero, an aspect of diversity the films have consistently struggled to offer.
Elysius, the wife of the original Captain Marvel, concocted a plan after his untimely death: she sampled portions of Mar-Vell’s genetic code and used them to conceive a child. Genis-Vell was artificially aged to maturity and sent to an isolated planet for his safety. Upon learning of his true origins, Genis-Vell donned bracelets similar to his father’s Nega-Bands and eventually branded himself the hero known as Captain Marvel. Again, the MCU’s Mar-Vell differs from the comics, but not in a way that this origin still wouldn’t work almost as it stands. Acknowledge this Mar-Vell is a woman, not a man, throw in some language about cloning a child from two women, and it would be off to the races. The Marvels, coming in 2023, might be a fine place Genis-Vell to debut, possibly alongside his sister Phyla-Vell.
Wendell Vaughn was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who became the wearer of the Quantum Bands. These powerful artifacts granted Vaughn immense cosmic strength, flight, and the ability to nearly forever without food, drink, or oxygen. The entity known as Eon dubbed Quasar “The Protector of the Universe,” a title the hero took to heart. With a host of cosmic-level characters such as Ego, Ronan the Accuser, and The Collector already making their debuts in the Guardians of the Galaxy films, it isn’t difficult to imagine Quasar entering the MCU in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
Jack Hart was born in New Haven, Connecticut, the result of the coupling of a human father and a Contraxian mother. Doused in the chemical known as Zero Fluid, Jack gained an array of superpowers, including the ability to project powerful concussive blasts from his body. Taking the name of Jack of Hearts, he donned a containment suit to help him restrain his explosive internal. The Guardians have already paid the planet of Contraxia in Vol. 2. Additionally, fans of What If…? might enjoy meeting a hero with such a prominent role in Marvel Zombies events. Either way, Hart has plenty of material to draw from to make his MCU debut memorable.
Beta Ray Bill, a member of the alien species the Korbinite, stumbled across the Milky Way Galaxy before running into Thor. Unsure of the other, both parties quickly resorted to brawling to discern the other’s intentions. Unexpectedly, Bill defeated Thor and claimed Mjolnir as his own. Beta Ray also succeeded in a contest hosted by Odin himself. As a result, Odin deigned Bill return Mjolnir to Thor and accept his own weapon, Uru, the Stormbreaker. Eagle-eyed viewers of Thor: Ragnarok will no doubt have already spotted Bill’s face on a massive stone monument on the Grandmaster’s planet. With Thor: Love and Thunder coming later this year, it’s highly possible audiences may see Beta Ray Bill in the flesh.
The mighty Galactus selected the man known as Norrin Radd from the planet Zenn-La, Devourer of Worlds, to act as his herald. The Silver Surfer had a long, tumultuous relationship with Galactus. However, his adventures after slipping the Devourer of World’s control led to connections with members of the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and many others. He has proven especially close to the Fantastic Four, which would be an ideal way to introduce him and Marvel’s First Family at the same time.
The son of the Fantastic Four’s Reed Richards and Sue Storms, Franklin has possessed nearly incalculable amounts of power since his birth. Over the years, he has been classified as a Beyond Omega Level Mutant with power comparable to the Celestials themselves. With the announcement of the Fantastic Four film, Franklin may make his appearance with the rest of his family.
The events of WandaVision, Loki, and Spider-Man: No Way Home (and even those that may happen in the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multi-Verse of Madness) present the MCU with a near limitless amount of content to provide audiences. With characters from every timeline and universe at Marvel’s disposal, the MCU is geared up for its most wild ride yet. It’ll be exciting to finally learn what theories and speculations pan out over the next few years of Marvel’s bevy of films and shows.
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