
The Switch exclusive Monster Hunter Rise was this week ported across to the PC, and if you are curious to know how it’s performing – we’ve got some data to share.
According to Steam’s global stats, Rise is currently in the top 10 most played games on the platform – with a 90,000+ peak at the time of writing. That’s quite an impressive start for this kind of third-party release.
As noted in the tweet below, it should be more than enough to push overall sales to new heights.
Earlier this week we did a round up of the Monster Hunter Rise PC reviews, and one common complaint was that the game didn’t support cross-play or cross-save.
Unfortunately, Capcom has already released a statement about this, and apparently, it’s unable to implement this feature. We imagine even more people would be playing the PC release if cross-platform play was supported.
“We’ve heard your requests for Cross-Save / Cross-Play for #MHRise & #Sunbreak, but unfortunately, after looking into it throughout the development process, we found we are unable to implement it this time. As always, we appreciate your continued feedback and support.”
Will you be checking out Monster Hunter Rise on PC, or sticking with the Switch release? Comment below.