A Silent Voice‘s and To Your Eternity manga creator Yoshitoki Ōima drafted the original character designs for Anata o Hitokoto de Arawashite Kudasai (Please Describe Yourself in One Word), electronics maker Kyocera’s original anime which will debut on January 12. Kyocera posted a teaser video on Wednesday:

The anime depicts the “smart city” envisioned by Kyocera, where everyone can comfortably and safely live with the use of advanced technology, and it also depicts the worries of job seekers. The anime’s title and theme reflect both the vexing issue of how to describe Kyocera’s extensive business in just one word, and the mood of job seekers vexed by the interview question, “If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?” (The job-seeking season for people fresh out of college formally begins in March in Japan.)
Koichi Chigira (Tokyo Babylon, Full Metal Panic!, Last Exile) directed the anime at Sunrise, and the four-member rock band The Songbards contributed to the music.
Source: Comic Natalie