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Hawkeye: Clint Barton’s Partner Nearly Killed Him


The Season 1 finale of Hawkeye reveals who came closest to killing Jeremy Renner’s Clint Barton in the line of duty.

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Episode 6 of Hawkeye, “So This Is Christmas?” now streaming on Disney+.

In Hawkeye, it’s safe to say Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) came close to dying quite a few times. Just like in the many films fans have seen him in in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the archer was a wanted man, with the Tracksuit Mafia and Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) coming after him. However, as hard as they tried, the only person that nearly pulled off killing him was his own protege.

This occurred in the Season 1 finale when Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) decided to improvize in the field. Hawkeye rappelled off a building at the Rockefeller Center, but when the cord broke, he ended up falling into the giant Christmas tree, which inspired Kate to craft a new plan.

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Hailee Steinfeld in Hawkeye Episode 6

She realized she would be outnumbered with so many goons coming after her and her mom, Eleanor, due to the Kingpin’s orders, and with that being the case, she needed Clint’s help and came up with a Hail Mary play. She quickly shot the cables down from quite some distance, proving how good of an archer she was and reminding Clint she could hit any target from anywhere.

Clint, however, protested and begged for her not to do it because it was quite a fall down. And as she whispered “Timber,” the monument dropped to the ice rink, but fortunately, it cushioned most of Hawkeye’s fall. However, he was still flung out of the tree due to the height and velocity, with his momentum pushing him far out into the ice. But that wasn’t the worst of it, as what came next was an even more horrifying moment.

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Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld in Marvel's Hawkeye

The glass star on the top of the tree was the last thing to fall when it disconnected. Clint saw it late, but it rolled out the way as it crashed into the ice. However, if his reaction time was any slower, he would have been squashed, which is why Kate had a shocked look on her face. She couldn’t calculate all that happening and only nearly avoided a freak accident. Clint shot her a ticked-off look right after, as he could tell he almost died. And it summed up their dynamic perfectly — Kate was aloof and risky, while Clint was more patient and methodical.

Sure, Clint was grateful for the save, but he would have preferred something less damaging to his bones. That said, Kate loves winging it with, which is part of her charm. But hopefully, after all this, she’s going to be more careful with where and how she shoots her bow.

To see how Kate almost killed Clint, watch all six episodes of Hawkeye, streaming now on Disney+.

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