The X-Men’s Quiet Council has been quietly fighting with X-Factor over Sinister, and it might sew even more discord in Krakoa ahead of Inferno.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Hellions #13 by Zeb Wells, Rogê Antônio, Rain Beredo & VC’s Ariana Maher, on sale now
The Quiet Council was designed as the ultimate key towards uniting the mutant nation of Krakoa around a strong central government. But lately, that government’s overreach has been increasingly enraging their allies.
In his attempts to hide his crimes from during X of Swords, Mister Sinister might have just exposed another crack in the structure of Krakoa’s government by highlighting the increasing power of the Quiet Council, and that frustration is bringing in X-Factor.
As part of the mission statement of the current incarnation of X-Factor, the group investigates mutant deaths to ensure justice is found for fallen mutants while also ensuring there are not multiple copies of someone around the world. For the most part, X-Factor has been willing to work with people (even if some, like Wolfsbane, have been left wanting by their investigations). But in an official note created by Prodigy, it turns out there’s one figure who’s doing his best to avoid revealing the full truth to X-Factor: Mister Sinister. As Prodigy’s note explains, his attempts to discover the truth about what happened to the Hellions during their mission into Amenth over the course of X of Swords has been met with constant stonewalling from Mister Sinister.
This is because Sinister openly lied to the Quiet Council about those circumstances — with a version of Sinister left behind fighting Tarn, and another making sure to murder the surviving Hellions as soon as they reached Krakoa and before their memories of what transpired could be revealed to the rest of the island. Sinister has been using his authority as a member of the Quiet Council to avoid any further investigation — and insulting Prodigy repeatedly through their interviews. To ascertain a full picture, Prodigy has requested a powerful telepath to breach his mind and force the truth out. He even suggests Emma Frost as a perfect candidate — giving the Quiet Council the chance to take part in the investigation into one of their own.
But Emma has seemingly been assisting Sinister’s attempts to hold the investigation at bay, ensuring Progiy’s requests are repeatedly pushed to the bottom of their docket. As Prodigy points out, he believes the truth should outweigh the choices and power of the Quiet Council. This quietly sets up X-Factor to come up against the Quiet Council even more as their investigation continues — and is complicated by the return of the Mister Sinister clone who is also aware of the truth. X-Factor may even have additional allies — with Northstar having already spoken with Dani Moonstar and Karma about the possibility of keeping certain discoveries a secret from the Quiet Council. With the potentially ruinous threat of Inferno approaching, Krakoa needs to be unified to truly weather the oncoming storm.
But instead, the Quiet Council — which has also found conflict with the Five and X-Force as well — seems to be willing to enrage another branch of Krakoa if it means shoring up the power base of the Quiet Council. It’s even more tragic when one remembers that a psy-scan of Sinister would also likely reveal his recent machinations to take command of Murder-World so he can have his own private cloning facility, outside of Krakoan jurisdiction. In their attempt to keep the mutant nation united around the Quiet Council, Emma Frost and Mister Sinister may have just ensured there are more cracks in the foundation that Mystique can exploit to help bring down the entire island nation.
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