The anime adaptation of Attack on Titan first aired in April of 2013 and is based on the best-selling manga series of the same name by Hajime Isayama. Set in a dark, post-apocalyptic world, Eren vows to destroy all titans while his childhood friends, Mikasa and Armin, attempt to look after him. Fans are well aware of just how many twists the series contains, and part of what makes them work so well is how strongly most of the characters are written.
The high quality of the series’ writing is only amplified by the stellar voice actors that worked to truly breathe life into the cast. Aside from their exceptional work within the series, the Japanese voice actors can also be found in many other big-name anime and even video games that fans might recognize them from.
10 Yuki Kaji: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure & Pop Team Epic
Eren is an over-passionate idealist who tends to act far before he considers the outcomes and consequences of his actions. Despite his shortcomings, it’s hard not to admire just how fiery his spirit is, and his voice actor Yuki Kaji couldn’t have done a better job capturing his personality. He’s had a ton of voice acting roles, including Koichi Hirose from the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series as well as Pipimi from Pop Team Epic.
9 Yui Ishikawa: Nier Automata & Violet Evergarden
Mikasa has a tendency to act coldly, but it’s only due to her past experiences and losses. She’s learned that only the strong can survive in the world and that she has to fight dearly for both her own life and the lives of those she cares for. Her voice actress Yui Ishikawa does a phenomenal job capturing her typically-cold personality along with her intense emotional moments, and she also nails her roles as 2B from Nier: Automata as well as Violet Evergarden’s titular character.
8 Marina Inoue: Smile Precure! & Gurren Lagann
Armin might be less combat-capable than his childhood counterparts, Eren and Mikasa, but he more than makes up for this with his brilliant intellect. He also possesses an incredible amount of drive and refuses to give up even when he feels like a burden. He actually has a female VA, Marina Inoue, who captures his personality excellently. Some of her other notable roles include Cure March from Smile Precure! and Yoko Littner from Gurren Lagann.
7 Yu Shimamura: The Legend Of Zelda & Bungo Stray Dogs
Annie is a character who appears to be an apathetic realist at the start of the series, claiming to want little more than to join the Military Police and live an easy life. However, some of her scenes are incredibly emotionally charged, such as when Armin and the others discover her identity as the Female Titan.
A lot of skill is necessary to nail both sides of her personality so well. Luckily, Yu Shimamura does an excellent job bringing Annie to life, and this level of professionalism is brought to her roles as Princess Zelda from The Legend Of Zelda and Akiko Yosano from Bungo Stray Dogs.
6 Yu Kobayashi: Fire Emblem & Gintama
Sasha is a character that’s come to be loved by fans due to her eccentricities. As strange as some of her actions come across at first, they’re explained by an incredibly fleshed-out backstory that makes it hard not to at least sympathize with her. Her voice actress, Yu Kobayashi, nails her performance as Sasha at all periods of her development. She also gives her all in roles like Lucina from the Fire Emblem franchise and Ayame Sarutobi from Gintama.
5 Yoshimasa Hosoya: My Hero Academia & Demon Slayer
Reiner has much more going on underneath the surface than his first introduction would let on. He appears to be a tactical, driven and dependable soldier, but he suffers mentally from the burden his double life as both a soldier and a secret Warrior causes him. Yoshimasa Hosoya does a great job portraying all aspects of his character, and nails his roles in other media as well, such as Fumikage Tokoyami from My Hero Academia and Kaigaku from Demon Slayer.
4 Saki Fujita: Project Diva & Cardcaptor Sakura
Ymir is an incredibly interesting case, as she’s a Titan Shifter who was forced into her role and desires little more than personal freedom. The only reason she ended up enlisting into the military is because she heard of Krista’s circumstances and became intrigued with her.
While she appears uncooperative and confrontational, she has a softer side that shows itself around Krista, and Saki Fujita’s performance as Ymir is well-done. She’s also had popular roles as Hatsune Miku in the Project Diva series as well as Rika Sasaki from Cardcaptor Sakura.
3 Hiroshi Kamiya: Durarara!! & One Piece
It didn’t take longer than a single appearance for Levi to win fans’ hearts with his cool demeanor and exceptional skills. He doesn’t allow himself to become egotistical despite his title of Humanity’s Strongest and understands that no soldier is invincible, no matter how strong.
His stellar voicework is done by Hiroshi Kamiya, who couldn’t have done a better job bringing the criminal-turned-captain to life. He also does great work in his other notable roles, such as Izaya Orihara from Durarara!! and Trafalgar Law from One Piece.
2 Romi Park: Fullmetal Alchemist & Persona 4: The Golden Animation
While eccentric, Hange’s hands-on scientific research involving the Titans is a great benefit to humanity overall. They also prove later on that they have the ability to take charge when the situation arises, making them dependable as well. Romi Park does a stellar job at voicing them, and is well-known for her beloved roles as Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist as well as Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4: The Golden Animation.
1 Ryota Osaka: The Devil Is A Part-Timer! & Genshin Impact
Marco’s role within the series is rather short compared to most other ‘main’ training corps cadets, but that doesn’t make him any less impactful. He’s responsible for helping Jean make the leap from being self-centered to fighting for others’ sakes and is able to see others’ true personalities even if they try to hide them. His voice actor Ryota Osaka does an excellent job, and this is also seen in his other work as Sadao Maou in The Devil Is A Part-Timer! and Bennett from Genshin Impact.
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