As Naomi settles in as the latest member of the Justice League, she reveals a hidden weakness about herself during a training session with Aquaman.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Justice League #64, by Brian Michael Bendis, Steve Pugh, Nick Filardi and Josh Reed, on sale now.
One of the most surprising new members of the Justice League during the Infinite Frontier era is Naomi, a superhero from an alternate world who arrived on Earth. While already boasting an impressive set of superpowers, Naomi’s relative youth sets her apart from the more veteran heroes on the Justice League. And as Naomi gets to know the rest of her team better, one of her personal weaknesses unexpectedly comes to light.
Having thwarted an attack on the DC Universe from her birth world, Naomi more proved herself worthy of joining the Justice League as they ventured to her devastated homeworld. This expedition into the unknown culminated in Naomi facing down Zumbado, the supervillain that ravaged Naomi’s native dimension and killed both her parents in an attempt to kill her as an infant before she could realize her full potential. With the threat of Zumbado and the other extra-dimensional enemy Brutus seemingly quashed, the Justice League returned back to the DCU. With a bit of downtime on their hands, Naomi’s new teammates were curious about just how powerful this teenager among them truly was. And the one hero who has caught a glimpse of this potential firsthand is the King of the Seven Seas himself, Aquaman.
Enjoying a rare respite back at the Hall of Justice, Aquaman insists Naomi indulge him with a friendly sparring match so he can see what power his newest teammate possesses. Naomi is understandably hesitant at first, given that the rest of the League is in immediate proximity. Eventually, Aquaman’s persistence gets on Naomi’s nerves enough that she actually delivers a powerful attack on the Atlantean regent. While Aquaman is relatively unharmed by the blow, having literally asked for it repeatedly, he is a bit shaken as Naomi apologizes profusely for the sudden show of strength.
As the scene is quickly defused by the rest of the Justice League, Naomi reveals that she has always had a bit of a temper that occasionally gets the better of her. While Naomi has certainly displayed a strong sense of determination and an unwillingness to bow under immense pressure, the teenage superhero has kept her temper relatively in check, all things considered. This was apparent both in her own solo superhero adventures and as a member of Young Justice. More likely, Naomi was simply apologizing for lashing out at Aquaman with so much power, conscious of how she would come across to her new team as they watched from the sidelines.
Naomi definitely has the power to stand right alongside some of the heaviest hitters in the entire DCU, including Superman, as Aquaman just found out firsthand. After a sudden return back to her devastated homeworld and an encounter with the supervillain that killed her biological parents, Naomi’s emotions are running especially raw. And with the Hall of Justice and the entire Justice League now caught directly in the crosshairs of a powerful enemy, Naomi needs to make sure her emotions don’t get the better of her as the team finds itself caught in the middle of an explosive ambush.
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