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5 Characters On Rick Grimes’ Level (& 5 Nowhere Close)


Andrew Lincoln’s colt python-carrying kingpin is The Walking Dead’s hero, and his status as MVP only faltered once he left AMC’s mega-hit show. The zombies series is considerably stacked with captivating characters, heroes, villains, and those in between, yet very few of them are capable of going toe to toe with the one and only Rick Grimes.

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The Walking Dead was always Rick’s story, and even with Sheriff Grimes out of the picture, the undead adventure’s major players still struggle to fill his boots. Some survivors do a good job of emulating Rick’s success in the post-apocalyptic world, and some pale in comparison, proving themselves completely unfit to wear the Grimes family Stetson.

10 On Rick’s Level: Negan Smith, The Man Who Saves People


The Walking Dead’s greatest enemies have far more in common than initially meets the eye, one only needs to look at Rick’s brutal red-handed machete hacking of Terminus leader Gareth to see the similarities between Officer Friendly and Lucille’s loyal batsman.

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Fearless leaders with savagely dark sides, once good men corrupted by the end of the world, Rick and Negan would never share the crown, though at different points in time each of these survivors has been the king of The Walking Dead.

9 Nowhere Close: Dawn Lerner, Grady Memorial’s Lazy Leader

dawn the walking dead grady memorial hospital christine woods

Being an officer of the law is about all Dawn Lerner has in common with Rick Grimes. A terrible commander quite content with allowing sexual assault under her watch as long as it doesn’t affect her standing as boss at Grady Memorial Hospital, Dawn is hardly fit to lace King County’s Sheriff’s boots.

Hated by fans and the show’s survivors alike, there’s very little actress Christine Woods could have done to make this lazy leader a truly captivating character.

8 On Rick’s Level: Maggie Rhee, The Widow & Warrior Of Many Wars

The Walking Dead - Season 11 Maggie and Elijah

Even before Lauren Cohen stepped away from The Walking Dead for a short while, her character had made great strides in terms of her leadership abilities and admirable takedowns of tensions within her group. She had to lose it all to rise to the top of the series’ most prominent personas, and since her return, Maggie has looked stronger than ever before.

Taking in her father’s wisdom set Maggie on the right path, and her time with Georgie and her battle with The Reapers has only made The Widow an even more formidable foe when it comes to messing with Alexandria.

7 Nowhere Close: Gareth, The Flesh-Fascinated Terminus Tyrant

gareth talks to rick in terminus walking dead

A creepy cannibal with no redeeming qualities, Gareth may have been a leader within his own sanctuary, yet his methods are a world away from Rick Grimes’ often honorable exploits.

Adopting a trait of the zombies and eating the living is enough to leave Gareth looking like little more than a slimy sinner next to The Walking Dead’s most iconic figure. A quick date with Rick’s red-handed machete was really the best that Gareth could hope for in the end.

6 On Rick’s Level: Shane Walsh, The Altlanta Camp’s Hot-Headed Honcho

Jon Bernthal Shane The Walking Dead

Two police officers and best friends protecting the innocent from the dead may be how The Walking Dead turned out, had Lori not proved so darn irresistible to Shane. Jon Bernthal’s rogue was the hot-headed honcho before Rick Grimes returned from the brink of death, and while Shane was most upset to lose his love affair with Lori, he also never seemed to fully adjust to his closest pal taking charge in the camp.

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Had things gone down differently on that fateful night on Hershel’s farm, it’s easy to imagine Shane leading the group into the unknown that is The Walking Dead’s post-apocalyptic world.

5 Nowhere Close: Eugene Porter, The Mullet-Sporting Misfit

As sharp as Eugene’s intellect may be, he’s a long way from reaching Andrew Lincoln’s survivor supreme’s level. Mr. Porter spent the early years of the apocalypse as a deceitful wimp, and his manipulation of others made him a pretty detestable character.

Josh McDermitt’s smartypants may have ditched the cowardice along with his magnificent mullet and played a huge part in helping Rick finally take down Negan, but Eugene isn’t likely to lead his fellow survivors into battle anytime soon.

4 On Rick’s Level: Morgan Jones, Fear The Walking Dead’s Answer To Rick Grimes

Morgan on the Walking Dead

The spin-off to AMC’s hit undead adventure has provided plenty of insight into Morgan Jones as a group of survivors’ Rick-esque leader. Fear The Walking Dead has transformed Morgan into the star of the show, but even before his exit from Rick and the gang, Morgan was clearly a capable and wise persona with a heavy hold on his morality.

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Morgan’s grief-fueled outbursts aren’t far from the extreme violence that Officer Grimes has enacted on some of the living in The Walking Dead, and had Morgan stuck around for a few more seasons, he may well have taken Rick’s place as king of the camp.

3 Nowhere Close: Gregory, Hilltop’s Despicable Head

the walking dead gregory xander berkeley

Few characters illicit as much hatred as Xander Berkeley’s conniving Hilltop commander. Gregory is essentially the opposite when compared with Rick, a cowardly kingpin willing to sacrifice anyone around him to ensure his survival.

Where Sheriff Grimes is valiant, Gregory is simply a villain. His double-crossing and backstabbing behavior was always going to lead to one outcome. Xander Berkeley’s hateable baddie failed to choose a side, and as a result, the Hilltop leader’s hanging remains one of The Walking Dead’s most satisfying demises.

2 On Rick’s Level: Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead’s Crossbow King

daryl dixon holding his crossbow walking dead

Of all the characters that have stepped up into the spotlight since Rick’s Season 9 exit, Daryl Dixon has come closest to filling the void left behind by Officer Friendly’s disappearance. Norman Reedus’ walker-killing warrior has always been a major player in the post-apocalyptic series, and Rick being out of the picture has only given him even more chance to shine.

Always willing to risk his life for others, Daryl possesses a heart of gold and despite all the pain he’s been through over the years, he rarely shows any signs of losing his grip on his humanity.

1 Nowhere Close: Beta, The Big Brute With Little Brains

Alpha’s right-hand man may be fiercely intimidating, but his submissive nature and unimpressive intellect leave him as a no match for Rick Grimes. Ryan Hurst’s Beta certainly causes The Walking Dead’s heroes problems, yet he can count himself lucky that Officer Friendly was long gone by the time The Whisperers popped their admittedly terrifying heads up.

Beta is only really capable of leading the compliant undead when it comes to his skills as a chief. Without Alpha, this corpse-covered country singer is little more than mindless muscle.

NEXT: The Walking Dead: 10 Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak

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