Ever wanted to build your own space rocket, set off for Mars and leave this planet for good? Well, soon you’ll be able to (pretend to) do just that, as Spaceflight Simulator is headed to Nintendo Switch.
The game, developed by Stefo Mai Morojna, has players putting together their very own space program from scratch with the aim of exploring our solar system and beyond. You’ll be using parts like propulsion systems, fairings, and capsules – and other bits and bobs that we probably don’t understand – to build rockets, and thanks to the game’s “scientifically accurate rocket physics”, you’ll be able to enjoy “realistic” flight sequences.
Spaceflight Simulator is already capturing the imaginations of budding astronauts on mobile, and it’ll be touching down on Steam Early Access in January. The Switch port will come later (the release window is just ‘2022’ for now), but hopefully it shouldn’t be too far behind.
“I’m very happy and excited to see Spaceflight Simulator taking shape on Steam Early Access,” Stefo says. “More space enthusiasts can start their own rocket programs, fail over and over, and finally reach the stars! And with the release on Nintendo Switch coinciding with the 1.0 PC launch, we’ll see more aspiring rocketeers than ever before.”
As it happens, Stefo actually started working on the game in hopes of landing a job with the Kerbal Space Program. He never got a response, but the game went on to be downloaded more than 20 million times on mobile, so who’s laughing now?
Does this look like it might be up your street? Or galaxy? Let us know in the usual place.