Kevin Hart, a comedian and A-list actor, defended his pal Dave Chappelle, saying the cancel culture campaign aimed against him is “out of control.” According to Hart, most comedians have a competitive “crab-in-a-barrel” mindset, but he considers Chappelle a “brother.”
Chappelle was chastised for what’s been called “transphobic” remarks in his new Netflix comedy special, The Closer, by transgender advocates. But, according to Hart, assaults on Chappelle as though he is homophobic are misguided.
“That man don’t have a hateful bone in his body. And I don’t say that because it’s hypothetical — I say that because I know him,” Hart said in an interview with the New York Times. “I know his world. I know that he embraces the LGBT+ community, because he has friends who are close to him from that community. I know that his kids understand equality, fair treatment, love. I know that his wife embeds that in their kids. I know why people embrace him. He’s a good dude.” Hart continued “I think the media have an amazing way of making what they want a narrative to be. Within this conversation attached to Dave, nobody’s hearing what his attempt is […]. “They’re hearing a narrative that’s been created… Everybody needs to come down off the soapbox and get to a place of solution.”
Hart was fired from the Oscars in 2019, and commented on what he had been through afterwards.
“The difference in what I went through: I learned a lesson in ego.” Hart added “My ego blinded to me where I couldn’t see what the real thing was about. My ego had me thinking: You want me to apologize? I already did. This is 10 years ago. Why are you asking like this is me, now, when I said these things?”
Hart had his own criticism for anyone who says they are offended by jokes to the extent that they decide to try to destroy the lives of comedians who offend them.
“You can find a joke tasteful or distasteful. If you’re a supporter of a performer, then you’re probably OK with whatever’s happening. And if you’re not a fan, you’re infuriated, and you’re outraged. Rightfully so — you have every right to be,” he said. “You also have a right to not support it. But the energy that’s put into wanting to change or end someone, it’s getting out of hand.”
Kevin Hart is currently promoting “True Story,” a comedy action drama for Netflix where he plays a world-famous comedian who finds himself entangled in a world of murderous gangsters after he agrees to meet up with his estranged brother during a comedy tour stop in the siblings’ native Philadelphia.