Mine Yoshizaki (Kemono Friends, Sgt. Frog) is designing a web short anime titled Sore, Sunawachi Sketch, and the first 10-minute episode premiered on YouTube on Wednesday:
Yoshizaki plans to debut new episodes on Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. JST. There will be 12 episodes.
The first four episodes will screen at Shimokita Dawn on December 8
The anime follows Hajime and Chizuru, who have been left behind on an island. They spend time performing their favorite sketches, based on those originally performed by the real-life comedy duo Folkdance de Narukozaka.
Hikaru Ueda plays Hajime, and Megumi Haruki plays Chizuru.
The first four episodes will screen at Shimokita Dawn on December 8 with voice actresses Ueda and Haruki in attendance.
Kōtarō Ishidate (Straight Title Robot Anime) is directing the anime and is in charge of series composition at Gōdōgaisha Live Cartoon. Shigeru Aoki is composing the music.
Folkdance de Narukozaka was a comedy duo that consisted of Keitarō Okeda and Nagisa Murata. The duo disbanded in 1999.
Source: Comic Natalie