Blue Beetle and Booster Gold form their own superhero organization designed to help the little guy in the latest issue of Blue and Gold.
Blue Beetle and Booster Gold are creating their own version of a Heroes for Hire-style organization in the latest issue of Blue and Gold, the eight-issue limited series detailing the misadventures of the two often-underestimated, occasional Justice Leaguers.
A preview for Blue and Gold #4 shows the pair promoting their company — dubbed Blue & Gold Restoration — on television and describing it as the right choice for those suffering from “the weird, out there, wacky, no-one-believes-you kind of thing where you know you need Superman, but can’t get ahold of him.”
- Cover: RYAN SOOK
- $3.99 US | 32 PGS | 4 of 8
- ON SALE 11/16/21
- Bros over heroes no more!
- Booster Gold and Blue Beetle find running a superhero business together more difficult than it looks when these inseparable friends end up on the verge of a breakup! What could be the cause of such a schism? Enter Blackguard, looking to destroy this dysfunctional duo for good!
Previous issues of Blue and Gold have seen Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, otherwise known as Ted Kord and Michael Jon Carter, livestreaming their superhero antics and accumulating a steady base of social media followers, ranging from sardonic trolls to fans who gleefully worship them. In Issue #1, the duo saved the Justice League from an extraterrestrial threat and sought membership in the League only to have Blue Beetle accepted but Booster firmly denied. Issue #2 saw Ted Kord losing control of Kord Industries, and in the following issue, Ted and Michael decided to take ownership over their lives by crowdfunding a new company designed to bring heroics to the neglected and underserved. The duo has also reunited with Trixie Collins, Booster Gold’s old secretary and sidekick, and faced off against Omnizon, the daughter of an alien lord who technically has Earth within her jurisdiction.
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle have been one of the most comedic duos in the DC Universe since their first team-up in the pages of 1987’s Justice League #4. In the Justice League International series that followed, the pair became renowned for adding adolescent-esque hijinks to the superhero team’s heroics. Eventually, in the leadup to the the 2005-2006 event Infinite Crisis, Blue Beetle was shot dead by Maxwell Lord, ending the longstanding partnership between the pair. He would return during DC’s Rebirth initiative of 2016, and the pair once again struck up their buddy comedy vibe in the pages of 2018’s Heros in Crisis series.
Ted and Michael are not the only DC heroes recently coming to terms with capitalism. One-Star Squadron, a six-issue limited series debuting in December, will star the likes of Justice League International and Justice Society members like Red Tornado and Power Girl, who will provide services via an on-demand app.
Blue and Gold #4, written by Booster Gold’s original creator Dan Jurgens and penciled by Jurgens, Ryan Sook, Kevin Maguire and Norm Rapmund, goes on sale Nov. 16 from DC.
Source: DC
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