
As you’ve probably heard by now, or perhaps even experienced yourself, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition really isn’t great. With constant frame rate problems, lots of bugs and glitches, a low resolution and blurry visuals, and some truly awful pop-in that ruins gameplay, the Switch edition is a poor port that really doesn’t deserve that ‘Definitive Edition’ name.
It’s not just the Switch edition that’s a mess, though; publisher Rockstar has been flooded with refund requests following poor performance across the board, and fan frustrations have forced the studio to promise future updates that will aim to tackle the problems. If you were thinking of picking it up for yourself, no matter which system you play on, you might want to reconsider for the time being.
With all of this going on, coupled with the franchise’s high profile status, it’s perhaps unsurprising to see that fans are bombarding the game with terrible reviews on Metacritic. At the time of writing, the Switch version of the game has an average user score of 0.5 out of 10 – only the Xbox One version is worse off at this stage with a user review average of 0.4.

We decided to have a quick look at the Switch games with the lowest Metacritic user reviews of all time, finding that fans have only given six games (out of 2158!) a lower rating than GTA Trilogy. It’s worth noting, though, that five of those six titles have only received five-or-so user reviews in total from disgruntled players, leaving FIFA 21 as the only high profile game on the list.

Here’s hoping those promised updates arrive fairly quickly – and more importantly, that they do the job.