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Hawkeye’s Hailee Steinfeld Tried to Teach Herself Archery


Hailee Steinfeld naively turned to popular film and TV archers for tips when preparing for her role as Kate Bishop on the Disney+ Hawkeye series.

Actor Hailee Steinfeld tried to teach herself archery for her role on the Disney+ series Hawkeye — with mixed results.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, the actor detailed the training regimen she underwent to accurately portray Kate Bishop, the aspiring archer who joins Jeremy Renner’s Clint Barton in Hawkeye. Steinfeld thought it would be wise to study some footage so she’d already know what to do before she underwent formal archery lessons. It didn’t make much difference, as the actor found out she lacked any natural ability when she showed up for training.

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“I’d watched so many videos of actors and professional archers doing it,” Steinfeld explained, “so by the time I got to the archery range for the very first time, I literally picked up the bow like I knew what the heck I was doing, loaded the arrow, and felt ready to go.” Unfortunately, even though Kate is a seasoned archer when she meets Hawkeye, that wasn’t the case for Steinfeld. “My instructor looked at me and was just like, ‘Okay. We got work to do,'” the actor joked.

Luckily, this ineptitude wasn’t a dealbreaker for Steinfeld, who was in good company with her fellow bowman. With a decade of experience as a fake archer, Renner was able to comfort his colleague. Steinfeld recalled, “The first time we met, Jeremy was like, ‘Listen, you’re going to get there and you’re not even shooting a real arrow, it’s all CGI.'” Considering how Hawkeye can be borderline incompetent at times in the comics, this decision is probably best for everybody involved.

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The dynamic duo of Hawkeye and Hawkeye will hopefully learn how to hit their targets ahead of their Disney+ series, as they’re set to face a murderer’s row of threats. The show will feature Fra Fee as the Clown, a major threat from Matt Fraction, David Aja and Annie Wu’s comic book run on Hawkeye. Additionally, the show will have Kate and Clint come up against the Tracksuit Draculas, a fan-favorite gaggle of goons known best for their overuse of the word “bro.” However, with the series’ central villain still yet to be revealed, Kate may want to take a second look at her own mother. Played by Vera Farmiga, Eleonor Bishop’s appearance in a new promo suggests there may be more going on with her beneath the surface, teasing that her character may repeat her nefarious deeds from the source material.

In Hawkeye, Clint Barton’s past comes back to haunt him when a mysterious new Ronin reveals herself to be upstart archer Kate Bishop. After realizing their targets are aligned, the two will have to team up to tackle a new threat so Clint can make it home to his family in time for Christmas. The show debuts on Disney+ with a two-episode season premiere on Nov. 24.

KEEP READING: Hawkeye Could Solve Kate Bishop’s Biggest Marvel Comics Mystery

Source: Entertainment Weekly

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