Comics Reviews

The Batman Who Laughs Just Obliterated Fortnite’s Tomatohead


With the latest Fortnite crisis averted, the Batman Who Laughs finds himself in the loop, and he has big plans for the popular game.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Batman/Fortnite: The Foundation #1, on sale now from DC Comics.

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point ended on a pretty massive cliffhanger. Though the Dark Knight escaped the world of Fortnite with Catwoman and closed the rift that the Zero Point created above Gotham City, another rift soon opened above Metropolis. If that wasn’t bad enough, it was revealed that the villainous Imagined Order from the game had more than just Deathstroke helping them. They also had the combined forces of Lex Luthor and the Batman Who Laughs to aid them in their shady omniversal agenda.

Now the story continues in the new one-shot Batman/Fortnite: The Foundation #1 by Scott Snyder, Christos Gage, Donald Mustard, Joshua Hixson, Roman Stevens, and Andworld Design. In this issue, Batman was working with a new mysterious figure who may be familiar to Fortnite players – the Foundation. This armored individual helped the Dark Knight close the rift over Metropolis, but not before the Batman Who Laughs accompanied him into the endless violence of the loop. Though the Foundation believes he won his battle against the Dark Multiverse variant, he was unknowingly made a pawn in a bigger plan.

Whilst almost everyone loses their memory in the loop, the Foundation’s armor keeps that from happening and it seems the Batman Who Laughs’s headpiece, made of metal taken from the World Forge, has a similar effect. This means he isn’t as helpless in the loop as anyone first thought. He wants to be there and immediately proves why by obliterating a Fortnite icon.

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Tomatohead is, as his name implies, a guy with a tomato for a head. In the world of Fortnite, he works at Uncle Pete’s Pizza Pit restaurant in Tomato Town. That is, he did before Tomato Town was removed and became Tomato Temple. He has a deep animosity towards anyone who affiliates themselves with Pizza Pit’s rival, Durr Burger. This comic actually sheds some light on where he may have come from originally, showing a world populated by people with produce for heads.

Perhaps Tomatohead thought that the Batman Who Laughs wasn’t a pizza fan, as he lunges for the villain almost immediately upon the loop restarting. One quick headbutt is all it takes, as the Darkest Knight’s metal headwear smashes Tomatohead’s head into smithereens. When Batman was in the loop, he tried to avoid unnecessary conflict, but this unhinged version of him not only welcomes it – he relishes it.

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As the other members of the loop follow, they believe they have a fate different from that of their fellow fighters. The Batman Who Laughs is about to prove them all wrong and enjoy the experience immensely. As he tears them to shreds he reveals that he doesn’t plan on staying to enjoy the loop forever, far from it.

For the Batman Who Laughs, the loop is just the first step in his plans. As he did to the DC Multiverse, he plans to do to the greater omniverse. Like Batman before him, he’s sure to make it to the Zero Point, and with that comes unlimited access to the entire omniverse. His reign of terror was limited to the 52 universes of the DC Multiverse before, something which he no longer finds satisfying. He wants more. Now he’ll be able to spread his own brand of chaos across infinite universes and infinite possibilities and, this time, the heroes of the DC Universe will be unable to stop him.

KEEP READING: Fortnite Drafts the Batman Who Laughs in a Surprise Comic/Game Release in Two Weeks

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