Atlus announced on Wednesday that composer Shoji Meguro has left the company as of the end of September. On the same day, Kodansha announced that it will support the composer in developing a new indie game through the company’s Kodansha Game Creators Lab initiative. Meguro added in the announcement that he will continue to work on music for Atlus games.
Meguro revealed with the announcement that he has been developing indie role-playing games by himeself for the past five years under the pseudonym “Megarock.” Meguro applied for the initiative’s “Round 1 Recruitment” in September, and though he was not selected, he was awarded a 500,000 yen (about US$4,300) special prize and a “separate position.” Kodansha Game Creators Lab will reveal Meguro’s new game at the Indie Live Expo Winter event on November 6.
The Kodansha Game Creators Lab is an initiative that seeks to support indie developers with a 10 million yen (about US$87,700) prize after recruitment screening.
Meguro is best known for composing numerous soundtracks to games in the Shin Megami Tensei series, especially the series’ Persona spinoff games. He joined Atlus in 1995, and his first work with the company was with the first Persona game (titled Revelations: Persona in the West).
Sources: Atlus, PR Times, Gamer via Gematsu