
Succubus has censorship on by default, and it’s unintentionally the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen


Sometimes a game is so clearly desperate for attention that you are loathe to give it any. Like that one guy whose entire brand is getting in loud quote-tweet arguments on Twitter every eight to ten weeks, you know both exactly what it wants, and that you shouldn’t go there. For months now I have been getting regular emails from the Succubus devs, all of which contain 112% of my daily recommended nipple allowance, and I know – I know – I shouldn’t be writing about it. It is an action-adventure-hell-titty game that is, on every level, very bad. But I am breaking my silence now because the censored version of it is, quite possibly, the funniest thing I have encountered in my recent memory, and accidentally better than anything the devs could have made on purpose. You win, Madmind Studio. You win.


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