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The Legend Of Korra: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked


The Legend Of Korra tells the story of Avatar Korra herself, a brash and headstrong new Avatar who lets her bending do the talking. Korra made a strong first impression when she arrived in Republic City and tangled with the terrifying Equalists. It takes a lot of courage to face villains like them.

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In this series, Korra and many other brave characters willingly throw themselves into danger to save the day, and even if the odds are truly frightful, these heroes won’t back down. Fearless characters like them will take on any challenge as an underdog, and there are some villains who seem downright immune to fear as well. In fact, they might wield fear as a weapon themselves.

10 Mako Is Cautious But Bold

mako new hair korra

Mako is a Firebender and a former pro-bending athlete. He and his brother, Bolin, grew up on the mean streets of Republic City with nothing but each other to rely on, and it takes courage to survive in a world like that. In fact, Mako often consorted with scary criminals to scrape by.

Mako is smart and cautious in a fight, but he won’t dare back down or flee in terror from his enemies, even if they’re much more powerful than him. These attributes served him well during his days as a Republic City police officer.

9 Tenzin Will Take On The Entire Red Lotus

Tenzin reprimanding Korra

It’s easy to be brave in battle when someone is a master Airbender like Tenzin, son of Aang, but that doesn’t make Tenzin’s courage any less impressive. For the most part, he’d rather coach Korra and other trainee Airbenders, but if he must fight, he will. He’s got an entire family counting on him.

Tenzin stood firm when the Red Lotus terrorist cell raided his air temple, and he gladly took on Zaheer the anarchist in single combat. He was only overwhelmed when the rest of the Red Lotus joined the fight, but given the chance, Tenzin would have kept fighting.

8 Asami Sato Only Needs Self-Defense Techniques

Asami looks bothered

Asami Sato is one of the weakest fighters in The Legend of Korra, but that makes her courage in battle more impressive, not less. Most villains in this series could easily overwhelm her with bending, but Asami will still fight them all the same.

RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender – 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked

Such courage is incredible, and Asami is bold enough to fight a wide variety of foes while being smart enough to retreat when she is truly outclassed. Asai is wonderfully brave, but not recklessly so, which helps keep her alive in Team Avatar.

7 Tahno Recklessly Took On Amon

Tahno might be just a minor character and antagonist, but his waterbending talents are for real, and he is the bold and confident leader of the Wolf-Bat bending team. He was intrigued but not intimidated by Korra’s fierce waterbending and Avatar status.

Then, when the Equalists stormed the bending arena, Tahno and his allies took on Amon with everything they had. They stood no chance, but it was still remarkable that Tahno would boldly take on such a terrifying foe, especially when there’s no referee to stop the fight.

6 Suyin Beifong Stood Up To Kuvira

Suyin Beifong is a skilled bender, and she has many talents beyond that, too. Suyin has seen the entire world and met many people, and that inspired her to build a forward-thinking city, Zaofu, and populate it with like-minded people.

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Suyin is more interested in peace than war, but when Kuvira’s army arrived at her door, Suyin defied that army despite being massively outnumbered, and she even led a daring raid on Kuvira’s camp. It was a gutsy move. Unfortunately, it didn’t pay off.

5 Lin Beifong Will Risk Life & Limb For Justice

Lin Beifong

Lin Beifong is Suyin’s half-sister, the other daughter of the famed Toph Beifong. Unlike the free-spirited Suyin, Lin is by-the-book and takes herself incredibly seriously. Lin soon became the chief of Republic City’s police force, and she’ll personally take on any criminal who threatens the peace.

Lin bravely stood up to the Equalist threat, even when everyone else wanted to back down, and Lin also risked her life to fight two Equalist zeppelins to ensure Tenzin’s escape. Lin even faced Amon himself, and didn’t bend to his will. She’d rather lose her bending than lose her nerve.

4 Kai Will Steal From Anyone

Legend Of Korra: Kai

Kai was a gutsy petty criminal who soon abused his newfound airbending talents to swipe coin bags and jewelry from other people on the streets, and he was bold enough to steal from Bolin and Mako, then melt into the busy streets of Ba Sing Se. It takes some serious nerve to do that.

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Kai is slippery but not afraid in a fight, and he often risks breaking the rules as a trainee Airbender. He convinced his friend Jinora to help him rescue some sky bison pups from poachers, and he wasn’t afraid of the Dai Li in Ba Sing Se, either.

3 Zhu Li Defied Kuvira


Zhu Li isn’t a bender. In fact, she isn’t a fighter at all. She is Varrick’s lab assistant, and she is much more comfortable building things than tearing them apart. So, she eventually joined the Earth Empire along with Varrick, and she fearlessly put on an act to convince Kuivra not to punish her when things went wrong.

It takes guts to do that, and later, Zhu Li sabotaged Kuvira’s cannon despite the risks. When Kuvira confronted her, Zhu Li abandoned all pretenses and openly defied Kuvira and her wicked ways, and that takes incredible courage for anyone, let alone a non-bender like Zhu Li.

2 Avatar Korra Loves Challenges

5 Avatar Korra

Avatar Korra herself easily ranks among the most fearless characters in the entire Legend of Korra series, partly due to her headstrong personality and partly due to her role as the protagonist. She’s a shonen-style protagonist, and such characters are always brave and decisive.

Korra may be reckless and destructive, but at least she is brave and confident, and she will take on any challenge if it means saving the day and protecting her friends. Over time, Korra became more mature and wiser about this, and by Book Four, she was a finely balanced Avatar. She was, however, deeply rattled by the memory of being poisoned by the Red Lotus.

1 Kuvira Simply Feels No Fear

Kuvira The Battle of Zaofu Korra Fighting Stance

It’s practically a given that the villains are all confident and fearless, but that goes double for Kuvira, who appears immune to fear and intimidation. Not only is Kuvira a naturally bold and disciplined person, she is also highly driven by her lofty and ambitious goals.

Kuvira dreams of building a new Earth Kingdom state, and that project leaves no room for fear, doubt, or hesitation in Kuvira’s mind. She has something huge to accomplish, and nothing, not even the Avatar or Republic City’s united defenders, will scare her off. She will respect a powerful enemy, but never fear them.

Next: My Hero Academia: 10 Most Fearless Students, Ranked

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