Baron von Brunk is at it again. We know that sounds like the beginning of a video game about shooting evil guys who definitely aren’t Nazis but kind of are, but Baron von Brunk is a REAL MAN, whose actual name is Julius von Brunk, and he makes LEGO transformers. He’s made a LEGO Game Boy Transformer, a LEGO N64 Transformer, a LEGO GBA Transformer, and even a giant LEGO NES controller that actually works.
You might be thinking, “Julius, what else is there to make into a LEGO Transformer?” and the answer is: the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Baron VB has just finished his newest build, which is not one, not two, not three, but FOUR Transformers in one.
The SNES itself turns into the Super Famitron, a big chunky chap with articulated hands and tiny arm missiles, plus the two controllers which transform into gorilla-robots, and a game cartridge which turns into a small, skinny Transformer.
“This was a project I considered making as far back as 2016,” says the Baron, but he didn’t get around to it until 2020. He began with the cartridge and controllers, and then moved onto the more challenging SNES Transformer last. He remarks upon his 10-year career as “the LEGO video game Transformer guy” and how much he’s improved in that time.
There are some excellent details in the build, from the hinged cartridge slot (located in the centre of the robot) to the use of a LEGO technique called “SNUT” — Studs Not On Top — that we’ll be honest, we did giggle at. SNUT. Heh.
If you want to find out more about von Brunk’s methodology, the design challenges, and how to make one of these yourself, you should be sure to check out the YouTube video above, as well as the instructions. Our fingers are aching just thinking about all that work, but we wish you the best of luck!