
Anime Characters – Selfish Jerks With a Heart of Gold


Here we go, now we’re getting serious! If you thought Ninomiya was bad, add unabashed perviness and a desire to be an a-hole and you’ve got Agent Six. In his defense, though, he does work for an evil corporation… Much like Ninomiya, though, he has no respect for his superiors, or anyone else, really. Six is loud, obnoxious, questions everything he is ordered to do, and does things like setting the password for a much-needed rain machine to “dick festival” just for the fun of making the princess say it out loud.

Six also hates children and working with them, has very little patience, and even exposes the panties of Grimm, a girl in a wheelchair! Speaking of lewdness, this is what sets Six at the very top. He does not know when to quit! He gropes and exposes his female teammates constantly and fantasizes aloud about doing the same to his superiors, takes lewd pictures of any sexy woman he can find, and he enjoys forcing lewd acts on his female teammates to get evil points—a currency he uses to acquire equipment for their missions. There’s more but we’d be here all day…

So where’s the heart of gold? Well, Six could be worse, as hard as that is to believe. While perverted, he seems to actually harbor genuine feelings for his beautiful superior Astaroth and wishes to marry her one day, he feels saddened when a giant crawfish he befriended gets killed—though he forgets about it completely later—and has been known to low-key make sacrifices or put himself in danger to protect his teammates and even those he doesn’t know very well. As far as we’re concerned, Agent Six is the biggest jerk with a—tiny—heart of gold and we love him for that!


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