BoJack Horseman is a sensational show that bravely examines the perils of avoiding personal problems using tragicomedy and dark humor as its main vehicle of exploration. Created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg in 2014, BoJack wrapped up in 2020 with six seasons and has gone down as a phenomenal series worth watching more than once. One of BoJack‘s hallmarks is the inclusion of Easter eggs and jokes in every single one of its episodes.
Many Easter eggs and background jokes are easy to catch, but others require that viewers give the show another watch–one where they’re not as focused on the story itself and can instead focus on background events. Celebrity cameos, animal puns, amusing slogans, and continuity callbacks are but a mere sampling of BoJack Horseman’s Easter eggs that were likely passed over on the first watch.
Content Warning: Sensitive topics are mentioned below along with spoilers for Bojack Horseman Seasons 1-5
10 BoJack’s Hospital Plays A Joke On Glue Factories (Season 1, Episode 1)
Titled “The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One,” the very first episode of BoJack Horseman pulls no punches with its dark jokes and tragicomedy. One particularly amusing scene occurs after BoJack’s taken to a hospital due to a mild anxiety attack.
The hospital’s sign includes a horse mascot and is titled “St. Elmer’s Medical Center,” which is an obvious pun on Elmer’s Glue that references the old joke of “sending horses to glue factories.” A dark joke for sure, but still humorous.
9 The Movers Bringing In BoJack’s New Couch Work For A Familiar Company (Season 2, Episode 1)
The beginning of Season 2 sets itself up for a BoJack with a brand-new attitude and the first episode is aptly titled “Brand New Couch.” While listening to a self-help audiobook, BoJack mistakenly heard that he should get rid of the burdens of his life “sofa” instead of “so far.”
When the movers show up at his house with the new sofa, viewers can see that they’re working for “Ewe Haul,” which is a play on U-Haul. The funniest part? One of the movers is a ewe.
8 Sarah Lynn Eventually Overdoses On The Only Drug She Needs (Season 3)
This Easter egg is exceptionally dark, but it still carries the type of tragicomic humor that BoJack is known for. In Season 1, Sarah Lynn and BoJack enter into an unhealthy relationship and at one point, Sarah Lynn exclaims that “the only drug she needs is horse.”
In Season 3, the writers followed up on this joke by having her overdose on the BoJack heroin that features heavily in this season. The most tragic part of this joke is that getting involved with the actual BoJack is what ultimately led to her death.
7 The Diner BoJack Stops At On The Way To Michigan Sells Cow Pies (Season 4, Episode 2)
Season 4 of BoJack Horseman is especially depressing and its second episode, “The Old Sugarman Place,” is filled to the brim with haunting flashbacks and present-day revelations. Even so, BoJack‘s writers managed to pack a ton of jokes and Easter eggs into one of its saddest seasons.
On his drive to the Horseman summer home in Michigan, BoJack stops at a diner. In the display case to the far left, viewers can see a literal cow pie for sale… probably not good for human (or horse) consumption.
6 AmeriCrane Airlines’ Flight To Istanbul, Turkey Is “Stuffed” (Season 5, Episode 2)
Season 5 focuses heavily on Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter coping with their divorce. In Episode 2, “The Dog Days Are Over,” Diane flies to Hanoi, Vietnam to get in touch with her roots. The most obvious joke at the airport is Diane using AmeriCrane Airlines to book her flight, which is an animal pun on American Airlines.
Less noticeable is the list of flights behind the crane airline worker that Diane is talking to. The flight to Istanbul, Turkey is labeled as “stuffed.”
5 Sarah Lynn’s Mom Is Reading Parenting? Magazine (Season 1, Episode 3)
This episode is appropriately titled “Prickly-Muffin” after Sarah Lynn’s own song, as it’s the first proper introduction viewers get for Sarah Lynn. Sarah Lynn herself is a thinly veiled allegory for young childhood stars like Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan, which the episode’s flashbacks heavily imply.
In the dressing room on set for Horsin’ Around, a young Sarah Lynn is being dressed up and readied for the show. Her mother is nearby reading the fictional Parenting? magazine, suggesting she needs advice on motherhood.
4 Marlin Brando & Lu-Seal Ball Are Working At A ’50s Diner (Season 2, Episode 2)
Titled “Yesterdayland,” this episode is the introduction of Wanda Pierce, an owl who’s been in a coma for 30 years and therefore has no connection to Diane’s controversial book on BoJack, One Trick Pony. BoJack is desperate to distance himself from anyone who does know about One Trick Pony, so he instantly connects with Wanda and takes her on a date to a ’50s diner.
A marlin and seal working at the diner are parodies of Marlon Brando and Lucille Ball, who were popular American actors in the 1950s.
3 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Make A Cameo Appearance (Season 3, Episode 10)
Episode 10 in Season 3 is titled “It’s You,” referring to BoJack being the source of all his problems. A portion of this episode is devoted to a flashback told from Mr. Peanutbutter’s perspective as he plans to apologize for erroneously naming BoJack as an Oscar nominee for his role in Secretariat.
Part of the flashback contains a scene where Mr. Peanutbutter and Todd are chasing Mr. Peanutbutter’s phone through the sewers, where viewers can catch a glimpse of the TMNT working in the background.
2 Diane’s Computer Screen Has Some Recognizable Content (Season 4, Episode 3)
This episode is one of the more nonsensical bits in depressing Season 4 and it’s all about Todd. Aptly titled “Hooray! Todd Episode!,” there’s an amusing scene featuring Diane while she’s working at Girl Croosh. Observant viewers can catch some of the content on Diane’s company computer.
An open web browser shows an article titled, “NEW STUDY SHOWS PEOPLE ONLY READ HEADLINES.” And to the right of the browser appears to be a reference to the app Slack, which is a messaging program commonly used by companies to facilitate communication.
1 One Of The Flea Market T-Shirts Breaks The Fourth Wall (Season 5, Episode 5)
Titled “The Amelia Earhart Story,” this episode is a poignant portrait of Princess Carolyn’s past and her struggle toward parenthood. Although she’s a very busy cat, Princess Carolyn craves a family, and she spends this episode trying to convince a pregnant teenager named Sadie to let her adopt her baby.
Sadie works at the flea market selling bedazzled clothing, but attentive viewers can catch some opossums selling slogan T-shirts in the background. One of the opossums is holding up a shirt that reads “STOP PAUSING AND WATCH THE SHOW” as an appropriate meta-joke.
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