The JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure universe is unique and memorable for its number of vastly diverse Stands. They are based on their user’s spiritual energy and manifest in a variety of fascinating and unpredictable ways.
While some abilities are only useful outside of combat, the reverse is also true. A handful of Stands are exclusively designed with violence in mind and have no other practical alternative. By identifying the manifestations that fall in this category, we can better appreciate how their propensity for battle has shaped the ongoing narrative for better or worse.
10 Green Day Is A Horrifying Murder Machine
Green Day was the Stand of Cioccolata, one of the series’ most wicked villains. It could reduce anything within a massive radius to a grotesque pulp so long as they moved downwards even slightly.
Based on the fact that Cioccolata didn’t accidentally kill Secco, it can be surmised that he is in full control of his abilities and aware of the lives he takes. Considering that Green Day only targets humans, it has no applications other than killing people in a grotesquely and mercifully instant way.
9 Ebony Devil Was A Doll Designed For Murder
Ebony Devil was a Stand sent to kill Polnareff. Since it had a tiny and relatively brittle body, it had to wait until its target was in a vulnerable position before trapping him in a bed and attempting to assassinate him. This suggests its immense offensive capabilities when paired with an intelligent user.
Given that the Stand has no notable abilities to speak of, it follows that it was designed exclusively for espionage and covert murder. Since it is invisible to non-Stand users, it can’t even function as a disturbing children’s toy.
8 The Grateful Dead Could Only Turn People Into Desiccated Husks
Prosciutto’s “Grateful Dead” Stand made him one of the most deadly criminals in Risotto’s employ. It secreted a mist that withers its targets and turned them into brittle husks by accelerating their aging.
Unlike Alessi’s Stand (which has potential for good since it can reverse the age of its subjects), Prosciutto’s ability is solely designed around the destruction of his enemies. Worse yet, its effects are so all-encompassing that it is almost impossible to avoid. The only way to circumvent the Grateful Dead is by lowering one’s body temperature however possible.
7 Silver Chariot’s Greatest Strengths Was Its Speed & Swordsmanship
Silver Chariot’s rapier provided Polnareff with a formidable offensive weapon. It was lethal enough to defeat opponents with a single flurry of attacks, as proven during his encounters against Anubis, J Geil, and Devo.
However, combat is its only specialty. Unlike Star Platinum, it lacks the strength (or time-stopping proficiency) to provide any support outside of battle. Although Silver Chariot Requiem can switch the bodies of those near it, this cannot be considered a useful utility since Polnareff himself is unable to choose who it affects.
6 Hol Horse’s Emperor Was A Charmingly Straightforward Weapon
Hol Horse’s “Emperor” Stand was charmingly straightforward. He could manifest a gun that shot heat-seeking bullets with devastating speed and precision. Alongside Boingo, he nearly assassinated Jotaro shortly after his arrival to Cairo (only to be thwarted by his own incompetence and short-sightedness).
Predictably, the nature of Hol Horse’s Stand prevents him from doing anything with it aside from fighting. As a gun, it was deliberately intended to be a weapon and will not serve him in any other capacity.
5 Ratt Could Only Turn Targets Into Misshapen Blobs Of Meat
After being shot by a Stand arrow, Bug-Eaten manifested the “Ratt” Stand. True to its user’s nature, its sole purpose was to snipe larger prey and turn them into piles of misshapen meat. Bug-Eaten would then be able to subsist on its victims for weeks, especially since they were still alive (to keep the meal fresh).
However, Ratt only works against organic life (proven by when Josuke blocked one of its bullets with a frying pan). Although it satisfies its user’s primal needs well, it can only be used to hunt and kill others.
4 Black Sabbath Was Intended To Test Initiates
Black Sabbath was Polpo’s Stand and a tool perfectly built to test initiates. Being limited to shadows prevented it from overwhelming new recruits to Diavolo’s organization, and as a long-ranged Stand, its master wouldn’t be harmed even if it was destroyed.
Despite Black Sabbath’s formidable offensive capabilities and intelligence, it has never demonstrated usefulness outside of combat. This is especially due to the fact that it can only manifest at certain times of the day. Nonetheless, its unique composition made it a perfect test for intrepid new prospects for the mafia.
3 Sex Pistols Was A Sentient Gun With A Ravenous Appetite
Sex Pistols was Guido Mista’s Stand and one that had remarkably distinct traits. For example, it consisted of six individually sentient personalities that ate food for sustenance. More peculiar still, the bullets had their own social hierarchy and would even bully one another on occasion.
Although Mista’s bullets are technically his Stand (instead of the gun itself), they share the same issues with Hol Horse’s Emperor in non-combat situations. Sex Pistols may be able to bounce off of each other to hit difficult targets, but he rarely shoots at anything he isn’t actively trying to kill throughout the Golden Wind storyline.
2 Highway Star Is Only Useful For Siphoning The Vitality Of Others
Highway Star’s long-range usage made it a valuable asset to Fungami, but it was best known for its offensive capabilities. When making contact with an opponent, it could steal their nutrients and deliver them to their master. Moreover, it was virtually unstoppable in a fight since it could disperse its body whenever necessary.
The Stand’s speed may suggest its usefulness for other purposes, but its abilities are still exclusively tailored around hurting people and stealing their life force. As a result, it can only be perceived as a weapon.
1 Enigma Preyed On The Fear Of Its Victims
Enigma was a Stand that could turn any victim who displayed signs of fear into paper. It usually only needed something as obscure as a bodily gesture before launching its attack and even managed to capture Josuke Higashikata.
While Terunosuke’s status as a master of dread dramatically increased his Stand’s potential, he mentioned that it was still abysmally weak outside of battle. As a result, it wouldn’t be of much use for purposes other than abduction, such as lifting heavy objects.
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