Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer, a new comic series from Boom Studios, follows an older Buffy as she fights her way through a vampire apocalypse.
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Boom Studios released the first look at Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer, a new comic series set 30 years after the end of the show.
In a story similar to Logan, writer Casey Gilly and artist Joe Jaro have created an all-new series that follows Buffy (or Old Woman Buffy), now in her 50s, as she fights through a post-apocalyptic future where a magical disaster has blocked out the sun, allowing vampires to freely roam the earth. Buffy spent nearly 30 years just fighting to survive until she finds a young girl who might be able to save the world.
Buffy the Last Vampire Slayer #1 is set to hit stores in December 2021.
Source: Polygon
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