Only three kimonos of each color will be made and sold
As part of a collaborative project between the manga creator quartet CLAMP and the city of Kyoto, a set of Kyo Yuzen kimonos inspired by the Magic Knight Rayearth series are currently available for sale. Representing the primary colors of the series’ protagonists Hikaru Shidou, Umi Ryuuzaki, and Fuu Hououji, the kimonos come in red, blue, and green variations respectively. The kimonos cost 330,000 yen (around US$3,013 ) each, and only three kimonos per variation will be made and sold.
CLAMP×京都市 レイアースのお着物🥰デザインのポイントはやっぱり手首のところ‼️大振りのブレスレットのイメージです。全体的にはすごくスッキリした柄なのですが、動作の大きい手元が華やかだとテンションもあがります🥰お袖から裾の方にかけて柄を描くことで、立ち姿も座り姿もとってもゴージャス✨ pic.twitter.com/I3PDefBPUU
— 染色作家 奥野むつみ(木村染匠) (@muuu603) September 13, 2021

The fabric of the kimonos is crafted from pure, high-grade silk, and the patterning on the sleeves is inspired by the uniforms and armor of the characters from the Magic Knight Rayearth series.
Each kimono is also hand-dyed using the Kyo Yuzen method (a traditional textile dyeing technique from Kyoto that is pioneered by Edo-period artist Miyazaki Yuzensai) by dyeing artist Mutsumi Kuzumi. As a lifelong fan of the series and CLAMP herself, this is something of a passion project for Kuzumi, allowing her to bring together her respect for her favorite mangaka and her love of kimono.
CLAMP×京もの!レイアース・光ちゃんの帯の一部をご紹介します✨レイアースでは、海ちゃんはもちろんカルディナやアルシオーネも好き過ぎて。。。企画のご依頼を頂いた時は、アルシオーネ一択で総柄の振袖を作ろうかとも考えましたが、マニアックすぎるのでやめました。 pic.twitter.com/SUxFYqzpep
— 染色作家 奥野むつみ(木村染匠) (@muuu603) August 25, 2021
The kimonos are created as part of the CLAMP X Kyoto City collaboration project, which aims to support Kyoto’s industries and craftsmen that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project has also spawned other products, such as a Card Captor Sakura-themed jewelry box that is also hand-painted by Kuzumi, and a drinking cup inspired by xxxHOLiC.

CLAMP×京都市 さくらちゃんのジュエリーボックス金彩加工の様子。
専用の糊で筒描き、それから金箔を貼り付けます。最後は掃除機で吸い取って完成🥰この工程は専門の職人さんにお任せします。京友禅は分業で仕上げるのが一般的です。私はデザインと彩色(色塗り)担当の職人なのです。 pic.twitter.com/9TwGY6oCVQ— 染色作家 奥野むつみ(木村染匠) (@muuu603) September 10, 2021
いつの日かいくつかの、或いは全てのモコナたちが集うようなことがあれば、その間違い探しのようなところもひとつ、楽しんでいただけたらと思います🍶✨ pic.twitter.com/Yc8L0mYYUy
— 京七宝 ヒロミ・アート (@hiromiart1) September 5, 2021
All the abovementioned products and more can be purchased at Clamp’s official online store.
Sources: Clamp-fans.com and Mutsumi Kuzumi’s Twitter account via @MishimaKitan