Kyoto Animation began streaming a promotional video on Monday for its planned anime film in the Tsurune (Tsurune: Kazemai Kōkō Kyūdō-bu) anime franchise. The video reveals that the film will open in Japan in 2022, and also lists Takuya Yamamura as the returning director at Kyoto Animation. Kyoto Animation stated it will reveal more details about the film at a later date.
The anime premiered in Japan on the NHK-General channel in October 2018. Sentai Filmworks licensed the anime and streamed the series on Crunchyroll and HIDIVE (with an English dub) as it aired in Japan. Sentai Filmworks released the anime on home video in January 2020. The release included an original video anime, an unaired 14th episode.
Pony Canyon USA describes the show’s story:
The story opens with Minato Narumiya beginning his freshman year at the local Kazemai High School.
Mr. Tommy, advisor to the Japanese archery Club, is keen to recruit Minato, as well as his childhood friends Seiya Takehaya and Ryohei Yamanouchi. Ryohei convinces the reluctant Minato to attend the Club’s orientation, where he also meets Kaito Onogi and Nanao Kisaragi.
Singling Minato out, Mr. Tommy introduces him as a rare Japanese archery talent and asks him to demonstrate in front of everyone. However, Minato’s arrow fails to hit the mark because he is afflicted by a serious condition…
Minato, Seiya, Ryohei, Nanao and Kaito.
Japanese archery brings them together. What will they attain as they struggle through their beautiful, yet “bitter” youth?
Takuya Yamamura (Violet Evergarden episodes 7 and 12 director, Sound! Euphonium episodes 3 and 10 director) directed the anime as his series directorial debut, while Michiko Yokote (Shirobako, Children of the Whales, Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san) was in charge of series scripts. Miku Kadowaki (Beyond the Boundary, Amagi Brilliant Park, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid) designed the characters. Harumi Fuuki (Miss Hokusai, The Piano Forest) composed the music. Lantis handled music production. Luck Life performed the opening theme song “Naru,” and ChouCho performed the ending theme song “Orange-iro” (The Color Orange).
The anime is based on Kotoko Ayano‘s novel of the same name.
Sources: Tsurune anime’s website, Comic Natalie