Strange Academy has just been introduced to the latest villain threatening its student body, which happens to be a monster of Doctor Strange’s design.
WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Strange Academy #12, available now from Marvel.
Being a Master of the Mystic Arts is never easy, but for the next generation of mages in the Marvel Universe, things are worse than ever. In the wake of the tragic death of one of their own peers, the students of Strange Academy are now facing down a supernatural threat that they have no clue how to stop. Not only that, but the villain that has made Calvin its puppet was made by none other than Doctor Strange himself, and all because he couldn’t handle the pain that comes with being Sorcerer Supreme.
Calvin Morse has always been an outcast, but finding his magic jacket turned all of that around for him in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, that very same source of his powers has now turned him into a murderous host for its true self. Not only does this being feed on Calvin’s pain, but it is looking to inflict hurt as much as possible on the rest of the student body before moving on to the school’s faculty. Most of all, its looking forward to catching up with Doctor Strange. After all, he was the one who gave Mister Misery life before trying to brutally take it away.
First introduced in 2016’s Doctor Strange #8 by Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo, Mister Misery was never intended to be a destructive force in its own right. Crafted by Doctor Strange as a means to eschew the physical pain that came along with his use of magic, Misery was kept locked up in the basement of the Sanctum Sanctorum, known only as “The Thing in the Cellar.” Although Mister Misery did help Doctor Strange defeat the Empirikul when they came to Earth to strip it of its magic, that didn’t sate the creature’s hatred for its creator.
Eventually, Misery would find its freedom and begin wreaking havoc on those who the Sorcerer Supreme had previously saved, forcing Doctor Strange’s hand after the villain possessed Wong. In order to put Mister Misery down for good, Strange consumed the creature, soaking back up all of the pain that had always been his. As it turns out, Doctor Strange wasn’t able to keep all of his creation down, and what came back up has become something even worse than before.
There was never any doubt that Doctor Strange isn’t the best teacher in the Marvel Universe. Seeing his most selfish creation come back to bite his students may not have been something he was expecting, but surely he knew it was a possibility at the very least. Then again, Strange hasn’t exactly been the most attentive faculty member — though not for no good reason. With any luck, this will all be a wake-up call for the Sorcerer Supreme to pay a little more attention to the things going on under his own roof — assuming there is still anyone under it to keep an eye on when Mister Misery is done terrorizing them, that is.
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