Even though their team broke up decades ago, Emma Frost still has a telepathic hotline to one of the X-Men’s oldest leaders.
WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Marauders #23, available now from Marvel.
No matter how many various factions or X-Teams there are, the mutant inhabited corner of the Marvel Universe has always been a relatively tight-knit one, even long before the mutant nation of Krakoa was founded. In the case of Emma Frost and Banshee, their relationship began decades ago, and it turns out that these Generation X veterans are still close enough to have each other on psychic speed dial, as Gerry Duggan, Ivan Fiorelli, Rain Beredo and VC’s Cory Petit reveal in Marauders #23.
While Emma Frost’s Hellfire Gala was supposed to be the party event of the year, the murder of the Scarlet Witch did sour the mood, and the fact that the Hellfire Trading Company’s ship Marauder itself is in no shape to set sea doesn’t help, either. To make matters even worse, Krakoan medicines are in short supply. While all of this is keeping her up at night, that means Emma is already awake when she gets a sudden telepathic call from an old friend, Sean Cassidy, at an odd hour. The X-Men’s Banshee has found himself caught between rival gangs fighting over what little Krakoan medicines are available. Calling out to Emma for assistance in itself isn’t anything surprising, but rather it’s the fact that doing so takes seemingly no effort whatsoever which stands out as a testament to how close these two still are.
Emma and Sean have a long history together dating back to the early ’90s. Emma Frost was recovering at the Xavier Institute when Banshee had just rejoined the main team. In the “Phalanx Covenant” crossover, it didn’t take long for him to realize his friends had been replaced by the Phalanx, however, and he worked together with Emma and a select team of young mutants they freed their fellow mutants from the clutches of the alien mechanical menace. This battle which caused Emma Frost to officially turn over a new heroic leaf, and her next step in embracing that would be to join Banshee in leading the Massachusetts branch of the Xavier Institute.
There, they founded, mentored and fought alongside Generation X, helping to forge the next generation of mutants into the heroes that the world needed them to be. This was yet another short lived chapter in both of their lives, though not a forgettable one. Based on that shared history, Emma hinted at having offered Banshee his own place on the Marauders. While he didn’t take her up on that particular offer, Marauders #23 by Gerry Duggan, Ivan Fiorelli, Rain Beredo, and VC’s Cory Petit makes it perfectly clear that they are still as close as ever.
Emma Frost has never been what anyone would describe as a trusting figure within the Marvel Universe. It’s hard to think of a telepath more guarded than she is, and not just on a psychic level. There have been plenty of moments of emotional transparency in the White Queen’s comic book career, but they are vastly outnumbered by those of her casual coldness or outright cruelty. None of this is to say that Emma Frost is a bad person or unsympathetic figure, but instead it is key to highlighting just how surprising it is that Banshee only needs to call out in order for him to get her full attention, even from half a world away.
KEEP READING: X-Men: Marauders Turns a Mutant Enemy Into an Unpredictable Wild Card
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