The world of anime stage plays have often been inaccessible to a wider international audience. Now, for the first time, fans can get a glimpse of the singing, dancing, and air-flipping versions of their favorite characters. Jean-Karlo and Monique check out the first offering of three such shows available for streaming this month: Naruto!
This stage play performance is streaming on Japan 2.5D Stage Play World
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the participants in this chatlog are not the views of Anime News Network.
Spoiler Warning for discussion of the series ahead.
“Devil take the claims of non-strategic coloration and bewildering phantasmagoric arts! I, too, doubted in the power of these assassins, but their pathos rings true in this mercenary world. Children that they are, forced to choose between loyalty to their nation or loyalty to their hearts’ path—indeed, many would doubt the earnestness of such a story. But to that, I am most joyous to urge the naysayers: ‘Believe it!’.”

Wow Nicky, I wonder what has Orson Welles so excited he came back from the dead to give it the nod…
Well obviously he can’t help but be ecstatic enough to pop out of the ground in order to see an orange jumpsuit LIVE (sorta). As part of the first Japan 2.5D Stage Play World: Anime, Manga & Game Theater Online Festival 2021 we’re presenting to you a special column about this Live Spectacle “NARUTO“ performance.

As for my own experience, I hadn’t been able to watch this, but I did see some promotional cast images back when it first launched in 2015! And I was enamored by how detailed the costuming was.

Also, Asahi Uchida and Miho Imamura really stole my heart as Zabuza and Haku. This one little bit here, a throwaway appearance of theirs in the back of a stage during a dramatic speech, really tugged at my heartstrings. Zabuza’s face is still really weird with his lack of eyebrows, though, and what I’m sure is supposed to be camo paint on his arms just looks like he’s missed a few bath days.

Part of it is cutting out the absolutely useless parts of the story. In other words, the Genin Tournament and Tenten.
We do miss out on Rock Lee dropping the weights (how dare you), but who actually likes Neji or Tenten?
Currently sobbing behind my decades-old Tenten collection of fanart. Even Kishimoto thinks she has the best design!
Well, this is awkward…
I don’t really like to think of all of those things as useless but the live show really focuses on the romance brotherhood between Naruto and Sasuke really well. It excels at delivering on those heartrending “sad Naruto flute moments” in a way that harks back to the original. It’s super truncated but that works well for those already familiar with the story. I do think anyone can enjoy the kind of expressiveness brought in by the music, lighting, and the actors.

A lot of other things happen, but the main crux of things is that Sasuke Uchiha is another ninja that Naruto is teamed up with. Sasuke is out for revenge upon his older brother, Itachi, who slew Sasuke’s entire clan. Sasuke’s desire for revenge leads to him turning his back on the Village Hidden in the Leaves and allying himself with Orochimaru, an evil ninja who seeks a way to cheat death, potentially with Sasuke’s own body. The better part is him doing everything he can to open the door for Sasuke to come back, even when he’s working with war criminals.

Things like the choreographed trampoline segments or the forced perspective changes for “walking up trees” were also exciting and inspired. A lot of creativity went into making sure the iconic abilities all looked great.

The Blacklight Ninetails! That was definitely a showstopper for me. Again, it’s a tragedy that this was something they only did the one time, but everything about that black-lit fox head being puppeteered around by a stagehand wearing all black was just magical to me.

They’re good crowd-pleasers!

Some anime fans might recognize his voice from Satoshi Kon‘s Tokyo Godfathers as he plays Hana in the original Japanese audio.
Jiraiya teaching Naruto to summon frogs was another one of the excised bits. There was a nifty projection of a frog, but my heart longed to see a big frog puppet slapping Naruto upside the head.

Razzle dazzle ’em with that snakeskin and glittery rope!
Playing a villain means going big or going home. Hiro was feeling herself as Orochimaru, and she definitely left an impact. We didn’t get to see much martial arts choreography from her, but she belted her heart out with some harmonics the first time Orochimaru appeared. Way to let the folks know just who walked in!
Hers is also basically the only vocal performance in the whole show. I expected song and dance, but besides ninja choreography there’s a surprising dearth of singing.

I also particularly liked Sasuke’s aerial silk dance to represent the trance-like state of his trauma and his brother’s Mangekyō Sharingan. Especially, since again, most of the actors are doing their own stunts!

However, the film festival is only for this month, and by the time this article is out, Live Spectacle “NARUTO“ will only be available to purchase for a few more days. Not everyone will be able to see it but I’m glad we we’re privileged enough to be able to document this kind of craft in whatever way possible.

And! They’re apparently streaming a stage show for My Hero Academia and a Sailor Moon musical! Yes, please!
