
WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for “Sum of Our Parts” Chapter 3 by Meghan Fitzmartin, Belén Ortega, Alejandro Sanchez and Pat Brosseau in Batman: Urban Legends #6, on sale now from DC.
Batman: Urban Legends #6 sees Tim Drake’s Robin finally deciding what — or rather who — he wants.
The latest installment in the monthly anthology series Batman: Urban Legends picks up the story of Tim Drake and his ongoing search for identity as a Robin and an individual. While Titans’ upcoming third season will mark Tim Drake’s live-action debut, the story “Sum of Our Parts” has been diving into the third Boy Wonder on the comics side of things by defining him outside of his association with the Dark Knight.
The latest chapter in the tale, penned by Meghan Fitzmartin with art from Belén Ortega and Alejandro Sanchez, kicks off with Tim launching into the rescue of his friend Bernard from the cult that’s been kidnapping teenagers across Gotham. After he’s cut free, Bernard, who’s been training in combat, helps Robin make short work of the villains and their attempt to sacrifice teens. While Tim inwardly scoffs at the retro motivations and struggles to decide WWBD (What Would Batman Do?), he also begins coming to a major realization in the heat of the moment.
With Bernard’s life potentially on the line, and then with him fighting at Robin’s side, Tim begins to understand he has deeper feelings for his friend. And what many readers assumed was the beginning of a new romance in Urban Legends #4 following Tim breaking up with Stephanie Brown (aka Spoiler), properly unfolds. After a brief conversation with Detective Williams, who’s also on the trail of the missing teens, Tim finally accepts that’s he’s not the same person he used to be. But learning what he really wants in life will require him to embrace an aspect of himself that’s been running in the background, to use Tim’s program analogy.

What makes this moment especially consequential is that Tim and Stephanie have been a major item since the ’90s. Not long after Stephanie’s debut, she and Tim struck up a relationship, which has been going on and off since then, despite at least one major reboot to DC continuity. Last year’s Young Justice triumphantly brought the two back into each other’s orbit, so Tim ending things (off the page) in his ongoing Urban Legends tale is a major move from DC. In the end, however, “Sum of Our Parts” is all about Tim letting go of who he once was and discovering who he’s becoming.
The story ends with Tim deciding that what he wants is to properly explore his feelings for Bernard, who asks Tim out on a proper date. Tim accepts, setting up the continuation of the story in Urban Legends #10, set to arrive in December.
Batman: Urban Legends #6 is now on sale from DC.