
Dispatch Games To Send Digital Codes As Customers Await Delayed Physical Orders


Dispatch Games

Update [Mon 2nd Aug, 2021 12:40 BST]: Dispatch Games has emailed its customers to confirm that Game Paradise codes – which were expected to be sent out on July 30th – have been delayed:

Due to circumstances beyond our control – we will be unable to send out the Game Paradise codes as anticipated today. However, we are working hard to get the back end issue resolved ASAP.

Until we have the back end solution in hand, we wont be able to commit to the exact release timing of the codes, but we are working hard to get things handled and will keep you informed of updates as they happen.

We apologize for the delay.

Original story [Thu 1st Jul, 2021 13:30 BST]: The will-they-won’t-they saga of Dispatch Games — surely the most ironically named publisher in the gaming industry — continues. If you’re not familiar with this long and sorry tale of radio silence, apologies and unfulfilled promises, in all honesty we recommend steering clear. It’s not a pretty picture.

To recap briefly, the Western publisher of games such as Psyvariar Delta, Soldam, Game Tengoku (in physical form), Radirgy Swag and others has had trouble fulfilling pre-orders for a long time now. We ran a feature back in March 2020 documenting the disappointment to that point and talking to frustrated customers about the company’s lack of communication.

Promises to maintain a weekly update on social channels were made and then broken, and Dispatch ill-advisedly teased announcements before disappearing again. It reached a point recently where RS34, the developer of Radirgy Swag, was also in the dark where the game had got to after Dispatch had accepted pre-orders for the game two years prior:

So, after Dispatch has apparently locked down all previous tweets, here we are again with the latest in its long-running series of apologies. The big news is that Game Paradise, Radirgy Swag and Rail Sim are apparently all still on the way and as part of its make-good apology, Dispatch intends to supply all pre-order customers with a digital code for their games while they wait for the physical copies (which will also ship with some extra “bonus” swag).

Here’s the statement in full, which we received via email:

We would like to sincerely apologize to everyone for the lack of communication and the frustration we have caused as a result. It has never been our intent to perform in this manner and we understand the concern that people have felt and are working to address those concerns directly.

Support have processed refunds for those that requested them without question. Those are complete.

Support is also addressing any address updates and inquiry requests now. Those are in process.

We are not disappearing as a company and all of the products are in the pipe to ship. There will be further details coming, but here are some that we can share today:

It will be Game Paradise, Radirgy Swag and Rail Sim releasing in that order. Hard dates will be announced shortly.

As part of our apology to you – all customers that have been patiently waiting and have kept their orders with us will be receiving a digital code for the game so that you can start enjoying your product before the physical arrives to you.

Game Paradise digital codes are being processed now and we expect to send them out to customers as soon as they are ready.

Radirgy Swag and Rail Sim digital codes – we will be making announcements as these become available.

All Limited Edition customers will be receiving an additional bonus item. Game Paradise LE will come with an all new poster. Radirgy Swag LE will come with a beanie cap. The Rail Sim LE bonus will be announced soon.

We are committed to earning your trust and focused on improving our communication.

The news that complimentary digital copies are coming might help restore some faith for those who have been waiting so long, but until those codes arrive and are redeemed, it’s understandably tough to take Dispatch at its word after so many broken promises.

Hopefully, this marks a turning point in the company’s approach — given past evidence, though, we’ll believe it when we see it.

Are you waiting for any pre-orders from Dispatch Games? Let us know your thoughts and if this apology and compensation improves the company’s standing in your eyes.


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