Manga creator Miyuki Yama launched a Campfire crowdfunding campaign on Friday to fund the next volume of her Toki no Daichi manga. The campaign aims to raise 11 million yen (about US$100,000) by August 31.
If the campaign is successful, Yama will begin publishing the manga’s “Kai” and “Ilia” stories as a continuation of the overall “Tenbin no Dairi” (Agent of Balance) arc on Art Street and the free manga service Manga Toshokan Z in spring 2022. Yama plans to release about 15 pages every month. The Kai story will be about someone who Kai knew while he was a knight. The Ilia story will center on a mysterious event that occurs around Ilia and the others.
As of press time, the campaign has raised 4,131,600 yen (about US$38,000) with 367 supporters.
The campaign funds will be used for manga production costs, drawing assistant costs, bookbinding, and goods production costs. She is aiming to complete distribution of all items to her supporters by June 2023.
Yama previously launched a Campfire campaign in 2019 to fund the continuation of her Toki no Daichi manga with the Tenbin no Dairi arc. She began releasing the “Izayoi” and “Jend” stories in March 2020. The campaign funded one compiled book volume, but Yama was thinking of continuing the arc into two or three volumes.
The fantasy manga is set in a world years after a young adventurer vanquished the dark lord Diabolos and brought peace to the land. With Diabolos’ resurrection, the boy sets out to defeat him again, but has not returned. Now his friend and fellow adventurer Kai sets out to find him and see if what he said is true. Journeying with Kai is Izayoi, a mysterious boy who can communicate with demons, and Jend, a dark elf seeking vengeance against Diabolos for the extinction of his race.
Yama launched the manga in Enix’s (now Square Enix) Monthly Shonen Gangan magazine in 1996. The manga has been on hiatus since 2002, when Yama ceased working on the manga due to health issues. Square Enix published 10 compiled book volumes for the manga.
Yama launched a Campfire crowdfunding campaign for a continuation for the manga in June 2017, which earned more than double its goal of 8 million yen (about US$70,000). Yama launched the continuation of the Toki no Daichi manga on the MediBang! Manga app in October 2017, 15 years after it originally ended in 2002.
The manga inspired an OVA titled Toki no Daichi: Hana no Oukoku no Majo in 1999.
Sources: Toki no Daichi’s Campfire page, Comic Natalie